Current Weather Observations
Surface Weather Observations | XML
Including Current Temperature, Relative Humidity, rainfall since 9am, rainfall in the last 10 minutes, wind speed and direction (knots and km/h)
Ocean Observations
- Sea Surface Temperature: Regional Analysis | XML
Tropical Cyclone Tracks
River Observations
Satellite (Cloud)
Rainfall Forecasts (ADFD)
3 Hourly
- Chance of any rain | XML
- Rainfall Amount:50% Chance of More Than | XML
- Rainfall Amount:25% Chance of More Than | XML
- Rainfall Amount:10% Chance of More Than | XML
- Chance of any rain | XML
- Rainfall Amount:50% Chance of More Than | XML
- Rainfall Amount:25% Chance of More Than | XML
Temperature Forecasts (ADFD)
3 hourly
Significant Weather (ADFD)
Humidity Forecasts (ADFD)
Wind Forecasts (ADFD)
Wave Forecasts (ADFD)
- 3 Hourly Combined Sea and Swell | XML
- 3 Hourly Swell Magnitude | XML
- 3 Hourly Swell2 Magnitude | XML
- 3 Hourly Swell Direction | XML
- 3 Hourly Swell2 Direction | XML
- 3 Hourly Wind Wave Height | XML
Mean Sea Level Pressure (ACCESS computer model)
Bureau of Meteorology Boundaries
Other reference layers
- Geoscience Australia layers are Geodata 2.5 M 2003 (roads), Geodata Topo 250K 2006 (rivers and lakes), Geodata Coast 100K 2004 (coastline) and River Basins 1997 (catchments).
- The country borders are from ESRI Data and Maps dataset 2008 and Vector Map Level 0.
- General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO_2014 Grid: The GEBCO_2014 Grid, is the source of the elevation/bathymetry data.
- The location search is based on spatial data from the Bureau of Meteorology sites, OpenStreetMap places and the Australian Bureau of Statistics postal areas (2011) and state suburbs (2011).
- These layers are for reference only and should not be used for navigation.