Low Level winds

Brisbane Airport Low Level Wind Observations

Observation time: 10-Dec-2024 at 11:15 UTC

Level Direction / Speed (kt)
14000 ft 260 / 21
12000 ft 275 / 16
10000 ft 290 / 12
7000 ft 305 / 09
6000 ft 280 / 10
5000 ft 325 / 19
4000 ft 345 / 12
3000 ft 350 / 13
2000 ft 030 / 22
1000 ft 020 / 13
800 ft 020 / 11
600 ft 030 / 10
500 ft 025 / 08
Sfc 230 / 04


  • An observation shown with this coloured text has been interpolated from higher and lower observations because no direct observation was possible at this level.
  • Balloon flights occur at 11 and 23 UTC, with observations available about 40 minutes after these times.

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