Release of TAF Review Final Report 2021
The Bureau of Meteorology (Bureau) released the TAF Review Final Report 2021 on 21 July 2021.
A downloadable copy of the TAF Review Final Report 2021 and additional information are available below:
- TAF Review 2021 Final Report
- TAF Review 2021 Implementation Plan
- TAF Review 2021 FAQs
- TAF Review 2021 - Changes between Final and Consultation Reports
Project Background:
The Bureau works to provide a high quality and responsive aviation meteorological service. Part of this commitment involves the regular review of our products and services to ensure we are meeting the changing needs of the Australian and international aviation industry.
The Bureau has committed to conducting regular reviews of the locations and category of Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) services (TAF Review) that are funded by the industry levy - the Meteorological Service Charge (MSC). The purpose of a TAF Review is to adjust the service coverage in response to changes in flight activity, passenger volumes and as new aerodromes are established. The objective of the review is to provide TAF services that enable the aviation industry to operate safely and economically.
The Bureau led the TAF Review project, with support from a project team comprising of representatives from Airservices Australia (Airservices), the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (DOITRDC) and the Bureau. This team analysed the latest aerodrome information to prepare a draft report. An Executive Committee, with representatives from the aforementioned agencies, oversaw the project and was accountable for approving the recommendations following public consultation.
A TAF Review Consultation Draft Report was released on 8 September 2020 for a four-week public consultation period, during which 25 submissions were received from aerodrome operators, airlines, associations, and other interested parties. All feedback received through the consultation process was considered in full by the TAF Review Executive Committee before final decisions were made on changes to MSC funded TAF services.
All changes to MSC funded TAF services will be implemented on 2 December 2021.
Further Information and Contact Details
For further information on the TAF review, please contact:
Previous TAF Review