Weather Station Directory

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The Weather Station Directory helps you to determine what historical weather observations are available for your area of interest. You can download some monthly and daily data online for free, or request data to be extracted, but please note that there are charges for data extraction.
See also: Weather station network lists

1 Select location:

  1. Place name or
  2. State or
  3. Coordinates or
  4. Station number.

2 Select data type:

  1. Weather element
  2. Reporting frequency.

3 Select stations:

  1. For data request
  2. Download free data.

4 Fill request form:

  1. If free data unavailable.
  2. Charges apply for data requests.

5 Receive response:

  1. Transaction receipt.
  2. Receive a quote.
  3. Confirm and pay.
  4. Receive data.
