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The Drought Statement discusses recent rainfall compared to historical records and the impacts on soil moisture and water resources.
For over 50 years these statements have reported on the extent and severity of dry conditions across Australia through drought maps showing areas of rainfall deficiencies.
Sign up to receive the Drought Statement by email.
An archive of all Drought Statement since 2000. Visit the National Meteorological Library for earlier copies.
The Drought Statement contains information on areas in serious or severe rainfall deficiency or lowest on record. These categories are assigned by examining rainfall periods of three months or more for selected areas to see whether they are below the 10th percentile (lowest 10% of records).
The Weekly Rainfall Update discusses rainfall for the past week and the impact it has had on areas experiencing rainfall deficiency. Weekly rainfall totals maps are provided, as well as locations which received the highest rainfall in each State and Territory. There are also maps showing the percentage of mean rainfall (1961–90 average) received for each drought period.
Daily and monthly maps back to 1900 are available . There is an archive to explore historical rainfall.
Soil moisture levels can indicate the impact of rainfall received and are covered in the Drought Statement.
Soil moisture comparisons can point to how dry the landscape is and are used for agricultural and other purposes. See Australian Landscape Water Balance.
The impact of rainfail on water resources, such as water storages or streamflows, has been included in the Drought Statement.
We compile and disseminate comprehensive national water information.
Special Climate Statements summarise periods of significant weather and climate. They are produced for events which are unusual in the context of the climatology of the affected region, such as widespread, extreme heatwaves or prolonged periods of heavy rainfall and flooding. They serve as a record, providing the broader historical and climatological context for the events, and giving access to relevant data and information.
Australia's climate can vary greatly from one year to the next. Influences and their impacts vary, and depend on the region and time of year.
Australian Climate
An overview of the key drivers of Australian climate and climate variability across the
continent and at different times of the year.
Managing Weather and Climate Risk
A guide for agriculture to assist with understanding and managing
weather and climate risk in Australia.