Hartz Mountains, Tasmania
July 2023 Daily Weather Observations

Observations from Keoghs Pimple.

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1Sa1.74.34.0  WSW8118:121.798 WSW44 2.598 WSW46 
2Su1.510.30.2  W8703:314.387 WSW70 5.390 WSW52 
3Mo4.215.40  SW4801:419.619 SSW11 12.424 W11 
4Tu4.67.90  WSW2200:376.235 Calm 5.481 NW11 
5We3.57.40  WNW3518:195.689 WSW13 6.882 W17 
6Th4.111.70  WNW3003:064.987 NW17 8.177 NW9 
7Fr3.86.60  W6315:495.085 WNW33 4.890 WNW28 
8Sa2.84.92.0  WNW8121:043.598 NW30 2.998 NW28 
9Su0.95.514.4  WNW10219:221.397 W28 4.799 WNW39 
10Mo1.25.96.6  W9301:345.499 W37 5.396 WNW46 
11Tu2.37.25.0  W9807:254.298 W31 5.699 WNW31 
12We4.18.31.4  WNW10910:557.186 WNW46 7.985 WNW43 
13Th6.810.00.6  WNW10702:447.689 WNW31 9.276 WNW39 
14Fr5.27.18.8  WNW8701:315.599 W35 5.685 WNW37 
15Sa-  WNW8023:46-0.199 W30 1.094 W33 
16Su-0.25.711.8  W9422:164.399 WNW41 5.599 WNW46 
17Mo3.96.52.6  WNW9802:454.496 WNW43 6.481 WNW46 
18Tu4.14.50.2  SW8322:024.390 NW20 1.895 WSW50 
19We-  WSW7600:520.096 SW24 3.186 NW9 
20Th-  W7218:361.778 N13 5.185 NNW26 
21Fr0.45.25.2  W8018:471.094 W46 3.095 W43 
22Sa1.07.60.2  WNW5016:335.199 NW20 6.198 WNW17 
23Su1.75.15.0  W8323:222.093 W48 3.895 W28 
24Mo2.06.00  W10208:094.899 W63 5.199 W33 
25Tu2.96.60.2  W9321:493.791 W41 5.783 W43 
26We3.66.20  WSW8511:525.599 W31 5.999 WNW19 
27Th4.27.21.0  W8000:594.792 WSW48 6.178 NW46 
28Fr4.57.43.6  WNW8311:315.897 W43 6.487 W46 
29Sa5.27.62.0  WNW11121:125.799 WNW30 7.485 WNW48 
30Su4.66.33.8  WNW11103:055.399 WNW39 4.186 WNW57 
31Mo-  WNW13118:110.091 W30 0.499 NW35 
Statistics for July 2023
Mean2.77.0      4.289  33 5.387  34 
Lowest-0.94.30     -0.119 Calm 0.424 NW9 
Highest6.815.414.4  WNW131 9.699 WSW70 12.499 WNW57 
Total  101.6                 

IDCJDW7020.202307   Prepared at 13:03 UTC on Tuesday 13 August 2024

Source of data

Observations were drawn from Hartz Mountain (Keoghs Pimple) {station 094191}.

This fully automatic station experiences extreme conditions. Sometimes, the rainfall and wind recordings are badly affected, and they should be treated with caution.

You should read the important information in these notes.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Hartz Mountains, Tasmania are also here on this web site:

Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   Jun 24   May 24   Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   
Jan 24   Dec 23   Nov 23   Oct 23   Sep 23   Aug 23   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in Tasmania and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Hartz Mountains, Tasmania, look at the tables for Hartz Mountain (Keoghs Pimple).

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.