Omeo, Victoria
October 2023 Daily Weather Observations

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1Su6.226.103.0 NNW7409:5418.541 N201008.625.225 NW261007.9
2Mo2.425.70  NNE4412:436.686 N131018.624.922 N281014.8
3Tu6.620.101.0 N6907:1119.257 N311011.714.794 N221011.7
4We7. S4304:317.799 S111009.88.099 SE91005.8
5Th4.313.844.21.6 WSW4612:318.656 W91012.711.346 WNW191015.1
6Fr4. SSW3004:486.370 SSW111027.413.051 SSE111027.7
7Sa1.516.60.26.0 SE3013:337.669 Calm1031.915.845 SSE151029.3
8Su4.718.402.2 N3313:226.789 N131031.217.847 NNE171027.3
9Mo6.621.302.6 SSE3516:377.291 N71026.621.152 ESE91021.8
10Tu6.418.003.4 ESE2813:278.586 SSE91024.217.348 SE131021.9
11We1.622.60  N3014:035.499 N131023.622.537 NNE171020.2
12Th5.221.003.4 WNW6710:2415.847 N281012.212.094 N111009.9
13Fr2.015.710.84.0 N3307:245.399 N221017.515.355 W171016.5
14Sa5.317.60.21.6 N4108:2112.466 NNE201014.615.549 W201014.1
15Su-0.115.601.6 NW4411:368.885 N151015.914.746 NNW221013.5
16Mo2.612.65.21.4 SSW5014:342.996 SSE131011.39.868 S221015.3
17Tu2.915.71.23.4 SSE3106:538.980 SE171029.115.555 SE111029.8
18We-0.522.40.23.6 SE2815:536.581 N151029.821.534 SE151026.2
19Th2.123.704.0 SE3716:5010.585 N131024.423.137 NE171019.8
20Fr2.925.40     11.283 N71020.224.336 SE61016.3
21Sa8.325.5   NNW5215:0012.584 N111013.825.136 N261008.1
22Su6.812.40  N4810:289.860 N261008.910.273 N281009.8
23Mo6.519.000.2 N3117:0710.768 N201013.418.952 N191012.2
24Tu7.923.00  NW6714:3114.959 N241011.622.728 NNW201007.0
25We3.916.10  SSW3916:2911.562 ESE91012.614.327 W191013.4
26Th0.714.405.0 SSE4113:415.972 SSW131025.212.547 S111025.5
27Fr1.116.70  SSE3111:278.667 W71032.915.345 SSE131030.4
28Sa0. N3712:417.782 N171027.516.937 NW221023.2
29Su4.822.702.8 N5214:3910.068 N151018.522.235 N281013.6
30Mo10.019.00  NW6711:4514.462 WNW151010.217.243 N301006.6
31Tu6. NW4103:559.542 SSW111013.915.928 SSE131015.1
Statistics for October 2023
Mean4.218.7 3.2    9.773  141019.017.248  171017.1
Lowest-    2.941 Calm1008.68.022 SE61005.8
Highest10. NNW74 19.299 N311032.925.299 N301030.4
Total  109.470.0                

IDCJDW3061.202310   Prepared at 13:01 UTC on Wednesday 13 November 2024

Source of data

Temperature, humidity, wind, pressure and rainfall observations are from Omeo {station 083090}. Cloud observations are from Omeo Comparison {station 083025}. Sunshine observations are from East Sale {station 085072}. Evaporation observations are from Dartmouth Reservoir {station 082076}.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Omeo, Victoria are also here on this web site:

Dec 24   Nov 24   Oct 24   Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   Jun 24   May 24   
Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   Jan 24   Dec 23   Nov 23   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in Victoria and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Omeo, Victoria, look at the tables for Dartmouth Reservoir, Omeo Comparison, Omeo, East Sale or Omeo Comparison.

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.