Tibooburra, New South Wales
December 2023 Daily Weather Observations

Observations from Tibooburra Airport.

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1Fr18.326.36.2  ESE3012:5018.384 WNW41009.824.055 ESE171007.0
2Sa17.333.77.0  W4113:5624.049 NNW91011.431.524 W241009.6
3Su19.034.80  SE3307:1324.535 SE221014.232.615 W91012.2
4Mo19.937.40  SE2613:3727.924 E171016.336.010 NNE61013.5
5Tu24.842.00  NE3913:0232.115 NNE171015.841.110 ESE191012.7
6We25.643.50  N4310:3233.618 N131015.742.711 ENE191011.7
7Th31.445.20  N5011:0537.317 N261012.842.412 N281009.2
8Fr31.243.40  NNW5913:0337.918 N371012.541.414 N301010.4
9Sa26.642.70  N6110:4334.224 N331010.541.410 NNW331007.5
10Su26.243.20  NNE6519:0934.823 NNE281007.341.613 NNE331002.9
11Mo24.036.20  NNW4611:5324.340 W201006.934.028 NW261007.4
12Tu23.637.20  WSW3507:4325.936 WSW261011.635.823 W151008.6
13We24.338.90  NNW4813:0627.432 SSW261011.636.518 NW261008.2
14Th24.539.10  W5616:1033.325 SSE111010.136.918 W331008.3
15Fr23.937.50  WSW6514:4128.434 SSE201011.435.912 SW301006.9
16Sa21.536.10  SW5016:0725.524 S201011.034.710 SW191007.3
17Su21.537.40  ESE3507:1326.420 E281012.535.59 E171008.5
18Mo21.943.00  N5420:0331.113 ENE331009.640.110 N221006.8
19Tu27.540.80  WNW11913:2331.140 N311006.434.644 N171002.3
20We20.330.34.8  SSE5009:3820.858 SE281013.727.928 SSE301010.9
21Th16.533.80  S4414:4723.121 SSE241013.732.113 SSE241009.6
22Fr21.036.50  SW4118:1226.821 S201011.534.615 W201008.5
23Sa21.538.00  WSW5416:1433.29 W171008.136.510 WNW241004.9
24Su21.839.20  SW6720:2830.124 Calm1004.237.512 WSW221001.2
25Mo16.128.70  SW7023:3318.646 SW281007.526.418 SW241006.8
26Tu17.030.00  SW4815:0119.854 SW191010.728.225 WSW281008.5
27We19.235.20  WSW3911:3724.534 SSW131013.031.721 SW131011.2
28Th22.039.70  W3110:4629.129 ESE61013.038.213 SE131009.5
29Fr25.343.00  WNW7618:3634.218 NNE261011.141.010 WNW301007.0
30Sa23.934.10  SSE5604:3826.342 S351012.832.916 SSE281011.2
31Su20.233.10  SSE6114:4727.227 SE261015.731.219 SSE201013.3
Statistics for December 2023
Mean22.537.4      28.130  211011.435.417  221008.5
Lowest16.126.30     18.39 Calm1004.224.09 NNE61001.2
Highest31.445.27.0  WNW119 37.984 N371016.342.755 #331013.5
Total  18.0                 

IDCJDW2134.202312   Prepared at 13:00 UTC on Monday 13 January 2025

Source of data

Observations were drawn from Tibooburra Airport {station 046126}.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Tibooburra, New South Wales are also here on this web site:

Jan 25   Dec 24   Nov 24   Oct 24   Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   Jun 24   
May 24   Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   Jan 24   Dec 23   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in New South Wales and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Tibooburra, New South Wales, look at the tables for Tibooburra Post Office or Tibooburra Airport.

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.