Combienbar, Victoria
December 2023 Daily Weather Observations

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1Fr12.318.3   SW1114:0213.899 SW21008.415.399 SW21006.6
2Sa12.516.0   W715:0113.499 Calm1009.114.396 SW21008.4
3Su9.617.6   SSW2600:4110.698 Calm1015.216.578 SW41015.6
4Mo9.825.9   NE1701:2716.976 NNE41016.423.458 SW21014.7
5Tu16.732.5   SW3713:3925.141 NNE61013.229.924 SW151010.9
6We10.422.9   SW1723:0314.173 SSW41018.021.956 SSW61016.7
7Th11.725.4   NNE1300:5818.470 NE41017.822.564 S21017.2
8Fr15.230.1   NNW3022:3525.344 E41015.224.355 NNE61011.3
9Sa17.924.9   N3000:0119.575 Calm1011.421.171 SSW61013.6
10Su12.726.4   NNE3011:5716.787 NE61019.624.859 NE91016.4
11Mo16.222.7   NNE1122:5516.498 Calm1019.619.786 S21019.9
12Tu16.229.0   NE2810:2422.072 NNE111019.327.164 NE71016.3
13We18.633.5   N4621:0125.355 NE61012.027.845 NNE131008.1
14Th17.222.9   N5200:2119.277 E41003.617.577 SSW61004.5
15Fr11.619.9   NE1122:0812.697 Calm1009.715.881 SSW21007.6
16Sa11.718.8   SW1716:0614.689 SSW21004.916.671 SSW61005.7
17Su9.822.9   NNE1519:2315.473 NE41014.722.760 SSE41012.1
18Mo14.129.7   N3104:1821.963 NE41012.527.730 SSW41011.8
19Tu17.225.0   N4400:3120.758 ENE21011.613.096 SSW71013.3
20We8.314.2   WSW2405:469.683 SW61017.613.575 SSW41017.7
21Th9.513.8   ESE2200:0511.792 Calm1020.912.792 NE41020.4
22Fr8.717.8   WSW1312:3710.293 SW21019.017.068 SSW41016.6
23Sa9.223.1   SE1511:2813.472 NE21013.722.356 SSW41009.4
24Su11.520.6   NNE2017:1318.369 NE41007.620.167 Calm1006.7
25Mo12.819.1   NNE4819:3815.987 NE91008.017.682 NNE111006.0
26Tu13.424.7   NNE2615:1517.690 NNE71009.323.462 NE71008.0
27We12.920.4   WSW1520:2916.182 SSE21010.217.385 SSW41009.0
28Th13.522.4   SW2011:0115.497 WSW61010.620.375 SW41009.8
29Fr10.520.6   SW1314:5911.296 Calm1012.718.367 S21009.7
30Sa9.617.7   SW2812:5812.862 SW91010.714.470 SSW61011.5
31Su7.620.6   NNE1722:5411.367 SSW21020.919.756 SSW41020.3
Statistics for December 2023
Mean12.522.6      16.378  31013.320.068  51012.1
Lowest7.613.8      9.641 Calm1003.612.724 Calm1004.5
Highest18.633.5   N52 25.399 NNE111020.929.999 SW151020.4

IDCJDW3017.202312   Prepared at 13:01 UTC on Monday 13 January 2025

Source of data

Observations were drawn from Combienbar AWS {station 084143}.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Combienbar, Victoria are also here on this web site:

Feb 25   Jan 25   Dec 24   Nov 24   Oct 24   Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   
Jun 24   May 24   Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   Jan 24   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in Victoria and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Combienbar, Victoria, look at the tables for Combienbar AWS.

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.