Kunanyi / Mount Wellington, Tasmania
December 2023 Daily Weather Observations

Most observations from the summit of kunanyi / Mount Wellington, but pressure from Hobart City.

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1Fr2.48.67.6  NNE3505:524.8100 NE201016.77.395 N91013.2
2Sa4.210.50  S3320:026.994 SSE21012.99.697 S171012.4
3Su3.711.03.2  SSE2823:176.799 NNW91019.49.487 ENE71018.3
4Mo5.814.10.2  N4415:267.892 NW221015.512.571 N201011.1
5Tu5.514.40.2  WSW11320:218.882 N111010.412.483 NNW201005.6
6We1.212.40  WSW11900:265.674 SW201014.69.955 WSW171013.9
7Th2.415.70  WSW6905:426.179 WSW331015.014.348 WNW71013.2
8Fr6.016.20  WSW6922:5611.534 W391010.19.383 NNW261005.7
9Sa4.78.79.6  WSW6523:134.8100 SW331010.37.066 W201015.4
10Su-  WNW4622:115.369 WNW221024.913.149 NW131020.8
11Mo3.616.50  SW6303:3310.336 SW221021.915.155 W301021.6
12Tu9.119.40  SW3303:5114.135 SW221022.117.453 ESE61018.9
13We10.521.10  NW8320:3515.555 NNW301012.316.162 NW391007.8
14Th7.810.018.4  W12013:257.899 W44994.58.995 WSW72994.2
15Fr-0.310.60.8  WSW5600:303.681 SW221007.28.959 NNW201005.0
16Sa1.66.20  W9308:233.699 WNW52996.75.181 WSW46999.0
17Su1.412.61.6  WSW6900:185.288 W351011.011.865 WNW221009.6
18Mo5.111.10  WNW5713:319.645 W261010.79.883 WNW351007.5
19Tu3.89.14.8  SW6717:344.799 WSW371010.36.089 SW371011.3
20We0.36.60.2  SW4100:293.194 SW131022.34.998 S171022.8
21Th3.18.00.4  SSE2413:584.3100 SE71027.66.294 SSE151026.4
22Fr2.77.40.2  SE2616:564.788 SE151024.36.393 SSE111021.4
23Sa2.19.40.2  ENE2623:564.699 ESE41016.37.888 SE151012.4
24Su4.59.00  ESE2618:408.589 SSE61010.17.792 SE111010.5
25Mo3.511.52.0  ENE3012:096.387 NE151016.310.676 ENE131015.0
26Tu5.415.40  NNE3010:359.289 N61017.613.075 E111016.1
27We6.415.80  N3100:1410.594 NNW111016.314.486 SE151012.4
28Th8.913.50.2  WSW8516:1911.682 WSW131008.58.983 W331007.3
29Fr1.06.74.2  WSW9822:112.995 WNW221010.55.098 WNW351006.7
30Sa-  WSW9801:070.199 WSW541007.13.189 SW431010.4
31Su-  SW6903:295.899 SW351019.412.377 N151019.3
Statistics for December 2023
Mean3.711.8      6.983  221014.09.878  221012.4
Lowest-1.26.10     0.134 SSE2994.53.148 ESE6994.2
Highest10.521.118.4  W120 15.5100 WSW541027.617.498 WSW721026.4
Total  57.6                 

IDCJDW7037.202312   Prepared at 13:03 UTC on Thursday 8 August 2024

Source of data

Temperature, humidity, wind and rainfall observations are from Kunanyi (Mount Wellington Pinnacle) {station 094087}. Pressure observations are from Hobart (Ellerslie Road) {station 094029}.

This fully automatic station experiences extreme conditions. Sometimes, the rainfall and wind recordings are badly affected, and they should be treated with caution.

You should read the important information in these notes.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Kunanyi / Mount Wellington, Tasmania are also here on this web site:

Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   Jun 24   May 24   Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   
Jan 24   Dec 23   Nov 23   Oct 23   Sep 23   Aug 23   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in Tasmania and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Kunanyi / Mount Wellington, Tasmania, look at the tables for Kunanyi (Mount Wellington Pinnacle), Mount Wellington (The Springs) or Hobart (Ellerslie Road).

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.