North Island (Abrolhos), Western Australia
March 2024 Daily Weather Observations

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1Fr21.927.60  S5203:3624.778 S331010.126.067 SSE351008.3
2Sa22.826.90  SSE4101:0124.075 SSE301006.525.074 S171005.5
3Su22.027.50  SSW3520:3424.581 SSW221009.326.567 SW241009.7
4Mo22.227.60  S5419:5923.469 S281015.026.159 SE371013.3
5Tu21.527.30  S6517:5824.875 SSE371014.525.871 SSE431011.5
6We22.830.30  SSE5600:0226.372 SE301011.528.369 SSE311008.2
7Th24.330.50  SE3000:0228.366 ESE171009.629.362 SSE201006.3
8Fr23.028.20  SSE5922:5525.883 S191007.325.974 SSE351007.6
9Sa20.424.60  SSE6518:2822.164 SE431013.723.658 SSE461011.5
10Su20.426.90  SSE6519:1123.758 SE311013.126.161 SSE351010.6
11Mo21.728.10  SSE5700:5824.862 SE311012.426.370 S371009.4
12Tu22.929.50  SSE5223:4126.173 SE261010.227.666 SSE311008.2
13We22.628.80  SSE5420:0325.773 SSE261009.527.569 SSE301007.4
14Th23.029.50  SSE4600:2026.771 SE311009.428.070 SSE311007.0
15Fr23.630.20  SSE4620:0827.274 ESE241008.328.767 SSE311006.6
16Sa23.529.20  S4416:2426.082 SE241010.427.871 S311008.1
17Su23.428.00  ESE5213:0425.579 SSE311009.726.072 ESE391007.7
18Mo21.827.00  SE6718:1424.366 SSE351012.124.465 ESE391010.7
19Tu21.126.80  SE6502:3722.664 SE431016.525.460 SSE461013.6
20We22.429.20  E4402:0525.461 E281017.327.165 SSE281014.6
21Th22.929.50  SSE5222:1326.561 E171017.827.363 SSE281015.5
22Fr22.829.30  SSE5717:5326.157 ESE281018.226.959 SSE371015.8
23Sa23.428.90  SSE5418:2225.654 E311021.327.153 SSE391018.4
24Su21.527.50  E5201:2523.941 ENE371021.725.946 SSE311018.0
25Mo21.129.50  NE4306:4225.451 NNE241017.427.056 SSE201015.7
26Tu20.727.50  SE3700:5724.467 SSE241019.426.262 SE261017.1
27We21.529.30  SSE3720:4125.367 SE201019.926.863 S191017.6
28Th21.627.80  SSE4619:2725.169 SSE201018.326.363 S331017.1
29Fr20.926.30  S3921:4923.570 SE241019.225.366 SSE261017.2
30Sa21.026.70  SSE5422:1422.378 SE241020.925.570 SSE311018.9
31Su21.526.60  SE5606:4423.669 SE391023.125.072 SSE391020.6
Statistics for March 2024
Mean22.128.1      25.068  281014.326.564  321012.2
Lowest20.424.60     22.141 #171006.523.646 S171005.5
Highest24.330.50  SE67 28.383 SE431023.129.374 SSE461020.6
Total  0.0                 

IDCJDW6099.202403   Prepared at 13:03 UTC on Friday 10 January 2025

Source of data

Observations were drawn from North Island {station 008290}.

Because this automatic weather station is in a remote location, accessibility can delay repair action if the station becomes unserviceable.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for North Island (Abrolhos), Western Australia are also here on this web site:

Feb 25   Jan 25   Dec 24   Nov 24   Oct 24   Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   
Jun 24   May 24   Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   Jan 24   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in Western Australia and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to North Island (Abrolhos), Western Australia, look at the tables for North Island.

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.