Casey, Antarctica
March 2024 Daily Weather Observations

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1Fr-9.1-1.80 10.9ENE2807:08-4.774 NE20974.4-2.955 NW9974.5
2Sa-11.8-1.90 8.5ESE2601:23-7.670 SSE13987.8-6.353 SSW9992.2
3Su-10.6-1.50 0.0E15416:28-3.573 E61982.2-4.589 E102975.8
4Mo-5.0-0.70 3.7ENE11101:04-2.371 ENE72974.2-1.466 E52975.2
5Tu-3.1-2.51.8 3.9E3701:31-2.884 S7975.1-3.074 WNW15973.0
6We-8.6-2.50 8.2NE2620:08-5.766 NW19970.7-4.270 NW9973.8
7Th-5.9-2.21.4 0.0NNE3908:39-3.2867NNE17979.0-2.587 N24981.1
8Fr-4.7-2.20.4 4.1ENE4619:26-3.974 NNW13985.5-3.9858NNE22984.9
9Sa-4.1-3.60.6 0.0NNE4102:14-4.087 NNE26983.0-5.389 S17982.8
10Su-7.8-3.61.6 0.9SSE2801:55-7.189 SSE20984.8-5.687 S19986.5
11Mo-7.3-4.73.0 1.1NE4806:20-5.7918N26988.1-8.082 SSE26989.2
12Tu-12.3-6.10 10.1NE4120:45-10.179 SSE13988.2-6.369 ESE9989.6
13We-10.5-6.80 0.0ENE3701:07-8.482 SSE15998.4-7.371 SE9999.3
14Th-11.6-4.81.2 0.0SSE2815:04-7.0888S15987.3-6.486 SSE19984.6
15Fr-8.7-6.22.2 2.9SSE2423:17-7.078 Calm983.9-7.568 SSE7984.2
16Sa-10.2-2.10.6 0.0SSE3007:17-9.285 S24986.0-8.183 SSE13986.3
17Su-9.81.10 0.0SE10209:29-4.673 SSE52978.9-1.165 S15974.4
18Mo-5.00.50 10.8ENE3307:06-1.266 NNE7979.9-0.968 E4980.5
19Tu-4.4-1.01.6 0.0ENE6900:48-2.690 SE7978.6-2.6918NNE13978.0
20We-4.1-3.43.0 0.2ENE7001:26-3.586 S26981.9-3.981 SSE11982.2
21Th-6.3-3.30.2 0.2ENE6500:27-4.076 NE13986.6-3.979 NNE20988.9
22Fr-6.1-2.70 0.0E12814:54-5.280 E80974.2-6.082 E94969.5
23Sa-8.2-4.80 2.2NE4801:25-4.9758NNW20983.0-5.876 N30985.5
24Su-7.8-7.20 0.2NNE2811:18-7.769 NNW15983.8-7.572 ENE15981.2
25Mo-10.2-5.51.0 2.9ENE7600:33-8.271 NE13977.7-7.071 E13977.4
26Tu-9.8-5.10 0.8E10205:10-7.572 E76981.0-5.952 E46986.3
27We-13.6-7.50 0.0SE4104:34-11.282 S24992.3-8.988 SSE20988.9
28Th-16.7-10.76.6 0.0S4615:11-9.177 NNE17972.4-13.082 S35965.9
29Fr-17.4-13.20 1.2WNW4302:39-16.269 NNW20960.7-14.565 N19960.8
30Sa-16.5-12.71.2 4.7NW3904:33-14.262 NW17963.4-13.865 ENE24964.8
31Su-21.6-16.20 7.8WSW3113:42-18.069 Calm971.0-16.359 W28970.1
Statistics for March 2024
Mean-9.3-4.7  2.8   -6.8777 24980.5-6.3748 24980.2
Lowest-21.6-16.20 0.0   -18.0627Calm960.7-16.3528E4960.8
Highest- 10.9E154 -1.2918E80998.4-0.9918E102999.3
Total  26.4 85.3               

IDCJDW9203.202403   Prepared at 13:04 UTC on Tuesday 11 February 2025

Source of data

Observations were drawn from Casey {station 300017}.

"9 am" observations are those made at 0300 UTC. This is equivalent to 10 am Local Standard Time, but 11am according to the time used by most people at the station. "3 pm" observations are similarly those made at 0900 UTC (4 pm LST, 5 pm station time).The maximum wind gust is in the 24 hours to 1 am local standard time.

You should read the important information in these notes.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Casey, Antarctica are also here on this web site:

Feb 25   Jan 25   Dec 24   Nov 24   Oct 24   Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   
Jun 24   May 24   Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   Jan 24   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in Antarctica and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Casey, Antarctica, look at the tables for Casey or Casey (The Tunnel).

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.