Munglinup West, Western Australia
April 2024 Daily Weather Observations

Observations from Munglinup West (previously known as Cheadunup), about 22 km northwest of Munglinup.

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1Mo12.322.00.2  S3515:1116.554 ESE191029.719.746 SSE241026.7
2Tu9.122.30  SE3314:1115.962 NNE71029.620.041 SSE171026.5
3We7.722.40  SE3316:3917.163 E61030.521.246 SE171027.7
4Th10.026.10  ESE4117:4017.959 NNE201028.125.728 ENE71023.3
5Fr10.829.10  NNE3508:0019.751 N201022.828.419 NNE131017.6
6Sa14.331.00  SE3514:5125.030 N151019.528.323 SSE261016.7
7Su9.327.80  SSW4114:0117.881 WSW111020.222.251 S261018.8
8Mo13.821.20  SE4115:2217.056 SSE131026.818.160 SSE221025.8
9Tu11.319.30  SE3116:4215.369 ENE131029.518.747 ENE171025.7
10We12.722.40  SE3716:3116.662 ENE191028.721.836 ESE171025.5
11Th10.620.40  ESE3516:0816.570 ENE191027.718.856 ESE221024.5
12Fr13.122.00  ESE3513:3515.880 E131025.919.757 ESE221022.5
13Sa13.921.67.2  NNE2809:4015.989 NNE151022.620.061 ENE151018.9
14Su11.722.80  SE2615:4416.591 SW91023.522.050 SSE131022.5
15Mo12.124.00.2  SE3515:2618.079 SE61027.122.355 SE221025.2
16Tu9.425.30.2  ESE3920:0913.696 ENE91029.425.039 SE131025.9
17We11.326.50.2  SE3914:5917.976 NNE171030.024.643 SE281026.8
18Th11.026.30  E4115:4718.566 NNE171030.325.429 E111026.9
19Fr10.125.50.2  NNE3707:4718.054 NNE201028.924.723 ENE111025.5
20Sa9.328.80  N3108:3319.647 N201028.227.915 N71024.0
21Su12.629.50  NNE3301:3720.943 NNW221024.029.014 SE41019.0
22Mo11.220.50  SSW5412:5819.779 SSW221021.213.394 S261024.0
23Tu7.118.52.6  SE3910:0213.772 SSE71032.015.650 SE241030.6
24We9.719.20  SE3715:2314.754 E171033.516.751 ESE201030.3
25Th9.419.80  ENE4112:4014.372 NE221031.717.650 NE201027.0
26Fr11.020.70  NE3310:1713.376 NNE191023.919.853 NNE201018.9
27Sa11.327.60  W3914:0720.154 NW191017.021.650 S191014.9
28Su9.817.30  SSW3513:3015.879 WSW171022.915.768 S201024.6
29Mo9.119.94.0  SE3916:1915.854 ENE171030.718.557 SE221028.0
30Tu8.120.40  E4111:1314.472 ENE201031.019.935 ENE201027.0
Statistics for April 2024
Mean10.823.3      17.166  151026.921.444  181024.0
Lowest7.117.30     13.330 #61017.013.314 SE41014.9
Highest14.331.07.2  SSW54 25.096 #221033.529.094 SE281030.6
Total  14.8                 

IDCJDW6091.202404   Prepared at 16:03 UTC on Thursday 7 November 2024

Source of data

Observations were drawn from Munglinup West {station 012044}.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Munglinup West, Western Australia are also here on this web site:

Dec 24   Nov 24   Oct 24   Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   Jun 24   May 24   
Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   Jan 24   Dec 23   Nov 23   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in Western Australia and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Munglinup West, Western Australia, look at the tables for Munglinup West, Munglinup Melaleuca, Ravensthorpe or Esperance Downs Research Stn.

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.