Tibooburra, New South Wales
May 2024 Daily Weather Observations

Observations from Tibooburra Airport.

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1We13.023.90  SE3511:0715.143 SSE241026.222.735 SSE221022.9
2Th13.619.50.8  ENE3112:5215.783 SE91025.218.281 NE151023.4
3Fr12.622.80  S3715:3116.480 SE191023.121.940 S171019.9
4Sa10.720.20  S3117:0313.687 SSW131022.019.248 S131019.4
5Su9.221.30  SSE3312:3113.783 S151023.019.950 S221020.8
6Mo12.523.50  ESE5615:1914.273 SSE191025.222.237 SSE311022.2
7Tu13.624.10  ESE3508:5518.563 ESE261025.322.845 ESE221022.0
8We14.625.30  SE3508:3116.964 ESE191024.324.247 ESE221021.6
9Th15.921.00  ESE3319:5217.671 E191024.220.364 NE91024.0
10Fr15.018.34.0  S3714:4615.296 S171024.917.285 SSE241022.9
11Sa9.421.10.2  S3713:2013.892 SW111025.020.248 SSW241022.3
12Su10.019.10  S3111:1713.982 SSW151023.218.060 S221021.4
13Mo9.122.20.2  SE3114:5913.990 S91025.221.447 SE221022.3
14Tu12.223.20  E3310:4314.879 ESE131027.823.243 SE171024.9
15We12.223.30  E3110:5113.279 ESE151027.222.539 SE191024.3
16Th11.425.60  E3112:3816.559 SE171026.324.835 ESE191022.7
17Fr13.824.60  SSE3914:2216.365 SSE111026.423.937 SSE241023.7
18Sa11.318.30  SSE4810:3713.866 SSE261028.817.532 SSE281026.7
19Su5.617.60  SE3910:5610.251 SSE191028.916.727 SSE201025.8
20Mo5.118.70  S3715:2311.764 S151028.318.547 S201025.5
21Tu6.317.90  SE3711:1711.766 S171028.517.041 SSE241026.6
22We5.920.10  SSE2809:156.180 SW111026.519.640 SSE151024.8
23Th9.421.80  ESE3009:2911.067 SE131026.620.637 SE91023.5
24Fr9.519.90  ENE3011:5810.371 E111025.219.141 E191022.3
25Sa10.522.70  SE3113:0413.460 SSE131025.622.135 ESE201022.1
26Su10.922.50  SE2612:0515.153 SE131026.321.534 SSE131023.8
27Mo7.520.60  SE2813:0012.058 S61026.620.333 SSE131024.5
28Tu7.123.20     12.558 ESE111026.622.032 E151023.6
29We9.326.8   N3712:4714.148 ENE131024.026.130 N201019.5
30Th14.124.20  N5613:2818.860 N221018.623.253 N331014.5
31Fr14.518.128.4  W3104:0214.782 SSW111019.617.748 S151018.8
Statistics for May 2024
Mean10.821.7      14.070  151025.320.844  191022.7
Lowest5.117.60     6.143 S61018.616.727 #91014.5
Highest15.926.828.4  #56 18.896 #261028.926.185 N331026.7
Total  33.6                 

IDCJDW2134.202405   Prepared at 13:00 UTC on Wednesday 8 January 2025

Source of data

Observations were drawn from Tibooburra Airport {station 046126}.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Tibooburra, New South Wales are also here on this web site:

Feb 25   Jan 25   Dec 24   Nov 24   Oct 24   Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   
Jun 24   May 24   Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   Jan 24   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in New South Wales and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Tibooburra, New South Wales, look at the tables for Tibooburra Post Office or Tibooburra Airport.

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.