Parawa, South Australia
May 2024 Daily Weather Observations

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1We9.914.00  ESE5710:4910.686 SE371032.412.675 SE331029.9
2Th9.513.90  ESE4100:0110.691 ESE241032.011.881 SE221029.3
3Fr7.016.10.2  ESE2412:0911.291 SE71028.614.166 SE171025.8
4Sa7.818.60.4  SE2813:4915.957 E71025.517.047 ESE191023.7
5Su9.117.00.2  SE3321:4413.184 SE131028.114.274 SSE191027.5
6Mo10.116.50  ESE4108:5911.391 ESE301031.613.978 SE201029.1
7Tu8.918.90.2  SE2823:0516.462 ENE41030.814.773 SE151028.7
8We8.519.10.4  ENE3312:5915.555 NE151030.517.055 SE191028.0
9Th8.115.90.4  SE3011:0011.799 SE191030.213.577 SSE171028.8
10Fr9.017.20.6  SSE3319:3411.399 SSE151030.214.977 SSE151028.0
11Sa11.215.70  SSE3501:5512.794 SE171027.814.680 S151026.0
12Su8.315.60.2  W1913:5810.999 WNW71025.815.172 WSW71023.8
13Mo9.816.20.6  NW2410:3312.897 NW151025.614.980 WNW111024.7
14Tu7.916.90.2  ENE2009:4312.377 ENE131029.515.270 SSE61027.3
15We8.718.90  SE2820:4112.382 N41028.814.775 SSE111027.8
16Th9.619.60  ESE2000:4015.064 NNW61029.518.450 SSE111027.4
17Fr9.915.60  SE4420:2411.997 S171030.414.081 SSE261030.6
18Sa8.212.40  SE4102:1510.075 ESE201034.710.665 SE191032.3
19Su8.213.90  SW3112:0211.076 SW71031.212.186 SSW111029.2
20Mo10.412.93.6  SSE4108:2511.498 SSE241031.211.881 SSE241030.4
21Tu9.112.12.6  SE3512:4910.472 SE221032.410.770 SE191030.0
22We8.712.20  SSE2215:429.676 SSE61029.810.971 SSE151027.2
23Th6.213.20  E2222:499.580 NE41028.311.376 SE111026.5
24Fr6.915.20  NE2606:2210.967 NE151026.913.855 WNW41024.4
25Sa8.317.30.2  NE2000:2312.864 Calm1026.115.853 SSE61023.8
26Su8.318.30  NW2213:3713.067 N41025.317.646 NW131023.9
27Mo10.418.50  NNW1912:5313.466 NNW41026.617.944 NW91024.8
28Tu11.120.90  NW1509:4915.245 NW61025.620.131 N41022.3
29We10.719.40  NE3723:3013.657 NW61018.818.143 WNW91014.6
30Th13.114.4   NW6118:4513.698 NW171008.114.081 NW331005.6
31Fr9.312.5   NW5201:5111.181 W171014.711.385 W171016.2
Statistics for May 2024
Mean9.116.1      12.378  121027.614.467  151025.7
Lowest6.212.10     9.545 Calm1008.110.631 #41005.6
Highest13.120.93.6  NW61 16.499 SE371034.720.186 #331032.3
Total  9.8                 

IDCJDW5053.202405   Prepared at 13:02 UTC on Sunday 9 February 2025

Source of data

Observations were drawn from Parawa (Second Valley Forest AWS) {station 023875}.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Parawa, South Australia are also here on this web site:

Feb 25   Jan 25   Dec 24   Nov 24   Oct 24   Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   
Jun 24   May 24   Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   Jan 24   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in South Australia and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Parawa, South Australia, look at the tables for Parawa (Second Valley Forest AWS).

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.