Cape Bruny, Tasmania
July 2024 Daily Weather Observations

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1Mo5.910.43.8  W4305:596.585 WNW201026.98.972 W191027.6
2Tu6.511.10  WSW3513:327.780 WNW151033.69.764 WSW191033.9
3We5.511.40  WNW2800:015.984 N191039.910.171 S71039.9
4Th4.210.20.8  NW4123:195.693 N171041.59.468 WSW191040.0
5Fr5.511.70  WSW5611:339.574 WNW221038.210.482 WSW431037.4
6Sa6.113.10.2  W2200:047.491 N171040.611.771 E71038.5
7Su4.77.50  N2806:264.896 N131036.77.493 E61032.9
8Mo4.013.40.4  N3507:025.495 NNE221025.212.373 NNE201019.4
9Tu5.313.51.2  S3021:4110.089 N191020.211.881 ENE61021.6
10We10.012.95.2  S3905:2512.694 SSE221015.611.495 NNE171012.7
11Th7.312.14.2  NE4121:227.895 N221013.612.071 N171010.2
12Fr7.713.70.2  WNW5420:168.780 N111010.513.059 N131008.0
13Sa6.611.90  WNW4400:238.673 NW171013.98.672 WSW111014.5
14Su6.512.06.0  SW8119:068.876 S331012.28.870 SW351008.3
15Mo7.312.529.8  S9402:1612.095 SSE44996.812.193 ESE37998.5
16Tu11.012.57.2  SSE6720:5911.784 SE221009.511.192 SSE331009.5
17We7.910.14.6  SW6320:408.468 SSE311014.29.563 SW241012.2
18Th7.09.73.0  WSW6905:428.287 SW481009.78.585 WSW481007.7
19Fr4.211.81.4  NW5215:597.173 NNE201000.010.568 N17992.3
20Sa5.412.60  ENE3312:208.477 ENE19995.111.866 ESE19998.2
21Su5.313.80.2  NW3519:368.780 NNE151009.011.971 N151006.6
22Mo8.615.73.0  NW5416:1010.791 N151012.115.257 NW331009.8
23Tu10.716.70.6  NW7214:0814.365 NNW201011.716.045 NW301010.4
24We9.5 0     13.547 NNE171008.816.936 N171005.3
25Th10.814.0   WNW8308:5912.464 WNW67997.313.147 NW221001.2
26Fr7.816.10  WSW5603:369.669 NE131007.414.651 N171003.6
27Sa8.211.10  WNW5415:459.064 NNW171010.310.061 W131010.5
28Su5.710.13.2  S6904:377.768 S311020.47.266 SW461022.9
29Mo3.410.40.6  SW3300:235.186 N191030.59.751 NNE111031.2
30Tu5.113.70.2  N3104:016.480 N241036.812.066 ESE91036.8
31We5.714.00  N3104:107.091 N191039.013.058 NNE111037.5
Statistics for July 2024
Mean6.812.3      8.780  221018.611.268  201017.4
Lowest3.47.50     4.847 N11995.17.236 #6992.3
Highest11.016.729.8  S94 14.396 WNW671041.516.995 WSW481040.0
Total  75.8                 

IDCJDW7007.202407   Prepared at 13:03 UTC on Monday 18 November 2024

Source of data

Temperature, humidity, wind, pressure and rainfall observations are from Cape Bruny (Cape Bruny) {station 094198}. Cloud observations are from Cape Bruny Lighthouse {station 094010}.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Cape Bruny, Tasmania are also here on this web site:

Dec 24   Nov 24   Oct 24   Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   Jun 24   May 24   
Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   Jan 24   Dec 23   Nov 23   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in Tasmania and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Cape Bruny, Tasmania, look at the tables for Cape Bruny (Cape Bruny) or Cape Bruny Lighthouse.

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.