Dartmoor, Victoria
August 2024 Daily Weather Observations

Most observations from Dartmoor, but evaporation and sunshine from Mt Gambier.

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1Th0.815.80  NE2014:353.296 Calm1033.614.349 NNE71029.4
2Fr3.1 0  N3508:548.864 N221025.5   NNE131022.0
3Sa4.614.52.6  NW2014:535.498 Calm1028.814.255 NW111027.5
4Su-1.014.20  NNW2012:591.098 Calm1029.112.964 NNW131027.0
5Mo-0.114.70  NW1914:111.498 Calm1024.614.056 NNW91021.8
6Tu1.514.80.2  NNW4113:519.193 NNW201022.512.290 NW191021.1
7We8.316.40.6  N3913:448.698 NNW91024.215.258 N171021.1
8Th8.514.10  NNW4613:5610.970 N191018.413.366 NNW201016.4
9Fr8.215.31.6  NNW2612:578.599 NNW71025.814.972 NNW131024.8
10Sa6.616.20.2  NNW2013:117.099 N71029.715.470 NNW91028.4
11Su1.517.40  NNW2413:115.899 Calm1031.117.354 NW91028.0
12Mo4.020.90  NNW3714:4311.870 N151027.519.052 N151024.4
13Tu11.821.10  N4613:1215.157 N171021.420.447 N151017.7
14We 20.22.4  N2411:56   Calm1017.019.658 WNW91014.7
15Th8.720.22.2  N3120:3612.192 NE61014.415.881 NNW131012.3
16Fr11.615.910.8  NNW3511:3611.988 N151006.114.873 NNW201003.2
17Sa9.516.08.8  S3914:2111.798 Calm1005.015.076 SSW221010.1
18Su7.513.90.6  SSE2214:5811.596 SSE91019.413.082 SSE151018.9
19Mo5.818.30  N3112:519.199 NE41021.417.751 NNE151017.3
20Tu9.115.90.8  NNE4408:2513.776 NNE171009.914.688 NNE91006.6
21We10.517.41.4  NW4314:5512.394 NNW131012.916.865 WNW201012.0
22Th 16.41.0  WSW3713:4110.496 NNW91017.116.258 WNW151017.1
23Fr5.917.80  N4422:419.498 E21018.114.584 NE151010.4
24Sa9.319.95.4  NNW4312:1214.884 NNW131010.119.562 NW221009.7
25Su8.919.20.2  WNW4816:3116.858 N221002.814.180 NNW171003.9
26Mo11.316.62.4  NW4116:5713.278 NW151015.715.573 NW221015.5
27Tu11.220.30.6  NW8320:4912.975 N221011.318.953 NNW311003.3
28We10.615.16.4  W6514:2112.963 WNW221005.912.963 WSW261008.9
29Th8.819.60.8  NNW6723:5913.586 N191011.015.364 NNW311004.7
30Fr11.415.91.6  NW7200:1213.864 NW24998.214.966 NW24996.8
31Sa10.116.34.4  NW7216:4711.887 WNW171000.915.070 NW301000.1
Statistics for August 2024
Mean7.217.0      10.385  111017.415.666  161015.3
Lowest-1.013.90     1.057 Calm998.212.247 NNE7996.8
Highest11.821.110.8  NW83 16.899 NW241033.620.490 NNW311029.4
Total  55.0                 

IDCJDW3101.202408   Prepared at 13:01 UTC on Sunday 19 January 2025

Source of data

Temperature, humidity, wind, pressure and rainfall observations are from Dartmoor {station 090194}. Evaporation and sunshine observations are from Mount Gambier Aero {station 026021}.

Mt Gambier is about 50 km to the west of Dartmoor, and conditions may differ markedly between the two on any given day; the results for evaporation and sunshine, and the climate averages listed below, should be used with caution.

You should read the important information in these notes.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Dartmoor, Victoria are also here on this web site:

Jan 25   Dec 24   Nov 24   Oct 24   Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   Jun 24   
May 24   Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   Jan 24   Dec 23   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in Victoria and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Dartmoor, Victoria, look at the tables for Mount Gambier Aero.

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.