Average daily indoor apparent temperature maps
These apparent temperature maps show the daily average indoor apparent temperature distribution across Australia.

Product code: IDCJCM0046
Temperature maps
What do the maps show?
These maps show the average annual and average monthly indoor apparent temperature across Australia, over the period 1976 to 2005.
Indoor apparent temperature describes the combined effect of temperature and humidity on the typical human; sometimes, wind and radiation are taken into account (outdoor apparent temperature). Apparent temperature is an estimation of what the temperature "feels like" to an appropriately dressed adult.
The apparent temperature values displayed here are the Steadman Indoor Apparent Temperatures and do not take into account the effect of sun or wind (Steadman 1994). For example, under Australian conditions the effect of full sun produces a maximum increase in the outdoor apparent temperature of about 8°C when the sun is at its highest elevation in the sky.
Indoor apparent temperature increases towards the north of the continent, following the pattern of increasing air temperature towards the equator. During the monsoon, northern parts of the continent experience higher apparent temperatures, reflecting an increase in humidity during this time.
Elevation also influences indoor apparent temperature, with cooler mountain areas such as the Flinders Ranges and the Great Dividing Range experiencing lower apparent temperatures.
How is apparent temperature calculated?
Average annual and monthly apparent temperature (indoors) is calculated from vapour pressure and temperature using the equation:
AT = [0.89 x Ta] + [3.82 x (e/10)] - 2.56
Ta = Mean annual / monthly maximum temperature (°C) (1976 - 2005)
e = Mean annual / monthly 3pm vapour pressure (hPa) (1976 - 2005)
Vapour pressure is the atmospheric pressure which is exerted by water vapour (water in its gaseous state). It is one way of measuring the humidity of the air. At a given temperature, an increase of water vapour in the air corresponds to an increase in the humidity of the air.
Find out more about thermal comfort observations, including apparent temperature.
Robert G. Steadman. 1994:
Norms of apparent temperature in Australia.
Aust. Met. Mag., Vol 43, 1-16.
Further information and metadata
- About the maps - metadata and related information.
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