Recent and historical rainfall maps

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Australian rainfall


Daily rainfall totals for Australia

Product code: IDCKARWAT0

Zoom to Victoria Zoom to New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory Zoom to Queensland Zoom to Northern Territory Zoom to South Australia Zoom to Western Australia Zoom to Tasmania Download map

Recent and historical rainfall maps and data for Australia – in this page

  • This page includes Australian rainfall maps and data from 1900 to now.
  • Rainfall variables include rainfall totals, deciles, percentages, anomalies, drought, 1–3 year difference and total error analysis.
  • Rainfall analysis periods include daily, weekly, 1–12 monthly, 18, 24, 36 and 48 monthly, month-to-date, year-to-date, and the Australian cool season and northern wet season.
  • Select Australian states and territories to view greater detail, and select the marker button to show place names.
  • Select the download button for links to download the gridded data and maps, including higher resolution maps, with optional place names, PDF format, and an animation loop for the latest daily rainfall. The range of download options depends on the map period and variable selected. The latest daily and monthly maps have the most file format options.
  • Select the information button to view map and grid information and metadata links. These differ for daily and monthly rainfall data selections. Daily data are currently from the AWAP dataset and monthly data are from the newer higher resolution AGCD dataset.
  • Highest resolution grids and maps are via email request to Climate data services
  • For date selection, select either the period end dates, or use the the date shortcut buttons. These include: at either end, the earliest historical date, and latest available date, and in the middle, step back in time or step forward.
  • Specific selections can be bookmarked or linked.
  • If you leave your browser window open for regular review, refresh your page or select the refresh button to load the latest maps.

Related rainfall information

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