Pacific Climate Change Data Portal
The Pacific Climate Change Data Portal provides access to raw and homogenised temperature and rainfall data for the 15 PACCSAP Partner Countries, plus Australian, New Zealand, British, French and United States Islands and Overseas Territories in the South Pacific. For PCCSP, this was all monthly scale data, but for PACCSAP, we're also adding daily data and extreme climate indices.
Within the Pacific Climate Change Data Portal, users are able to view trends in historical climate data on annual and seasonal time scales over any period of interest (where data is available). Users are also able to view data averages and running averages over three to 15 year periods.
Project background
Under the International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative (ICCAI), Australia is providing assistance to vulnerable countries in the Asia-Pacific region to meet high priority climate change adaptation needs. The Pacific Climate Change Science Program (PCCSP) is one of the ICCAI project components, improving understanding of the physical climate system to inform effective adaptation.
Analysis of observed climate relies on long, complete, spatially extensive observational records of meteorological and oceanographic data. The PCCSP developed the Pacific Climate Change Data Portal to store and present historical climate data in a secure, password-protected location.
Go to Data PortalDocumentation
Documentation for the Pacific Climate Change Data Portal is contained within the User Manual.
Pacific Climate Change Data Portal User Manual
Further information
Other useful and relevent websites are linked below.
Pacific Climate Change Science Program: