Cook Islands Fiji Kiribati Niue Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Palou Nauru Marshall Islands Federated States of Micronesia
Vanuatu Tuvalu Tonga Solomon Islands Samoa Papua New Guinea Niue Kiribati Fiji Cook Islands


Map showing location of this country
  • Location: 19°03'S 169°52'W
  • Capital: Alofi
  • Languages: Niuean, English

About the Niue Meteorological Service

The Niue Meteorological Service provides climatological, meteorological, marine, aviation, as well as tropical cyclone forecasting products and services to the Niue local community. They also provide synoptic information and climatological observations to international stakeholders and clients. The majority of the Niue Meteorological Service's meteorological and climatological information is recorded by an Automatic Weather station, as well as a Satellite remote sensor.

Climate Application Projects

Water management and climate variability: Streamflow forecasting in the Avatiu Catchment