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Brambuk Calendar
Brambuk calendar from the Halls Gap Region showing six seasons
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Late Summer Autumn Winter Pre-Spring Spring Early Summer

Brambuk - Pre-Spring Late July to August

The Pre - Spring season is depicted by owls and eagles; tubers (orchids and murrnong) providing underground larders; and, cultivation.

This season incorporates the following:

It has the wettest months.
There are dramatic weather changes (up to six seasons in one day).
Rivers run high.
Galaxias migrate from the sea.
Fledgling Powerful Owls and Wedge – tailed Eagles emerge.
Many birds are nesting including Pardelotes and Lapwings.
First wildflowers appear including Greenhood orchids and Stackhousia.
Wattles are in flower.

Lifestyle descriptors included:

Murnong was dug up by women using long, pointed sticks.
Murnong was collected in large baskets and cooked in underground ovens.
Baskets were constantly being made.

The Brambuk Homelands | Bureau of Meteorology Temperature and Rainfall Graphs for this region

Permission to use the Brambuk seasonal calendar is granted by the Elders/Directors of Brambuk, which includes the Gunditjmara, Winda Mara (Kerrup Jamara), Goolum Goolum, Kirrae Whurrong and Framlingham peoples. A link to the Brambuk website is included, www.brambuk.com.au.