Indigenous Weather Knowledge
Maung calendar
The Maung country and language area are on the Goulburn Islands, off the north coast of Arnhem Land, in the Northern Territory.
Heavy rain "We get a little bit of rain, not as much as Oenpelli. |
Cold weather "It gets windy and we make fire to make us warm. |
Hot and humid "When it starts to warm up we feel hot and sweaty." |
Maung seasons
Navigate back up to the calendar overview with the links at the end of each season.
You can view the Maung seasonal calendar as:
Rain time: November-February
Main wet season with northwest monsoons.
Signs it is Walmatpalmat time
- Lots of rain
- "We feel a bit sick with 'flu and colds." Gwenda
- "Rain, that's where the water comes from, the rain, fills up the tank and that's just what we drink. The wells are still on the island but now we stay at home and get the water from taps." Tanya
- Cyclones (Marlu)
- "We can't go in the boat (to North Goulburn) because we know its dangerous. That's why we can't go when the winds come, like a cyclone comes. Cause we know lots of people they used to die, you know." Miriam
- Plants are shooting
- "There are some wild berries. Some of them can make you sick. But most of them (bush foods) are strong and healthy for you." Renfred
- Tamarind flowers
- They look like green leaves
"There are lots of them at Wigu. The old people planted them from the Maccassans." Caleb and Audrey - Mango fruit
- "We climb up and pick it when it is soft." Rosharlia.
"If you wait for it to fall it might split open." Caleb - Wardwardang
- Wild apple fruits
"It looks red like an apple with a brown stick stem. It tastes not as sweet as a shop apple and a bit chilli." Nikkita - Kurnpi
- Green plum fruit
"Green plum is at the airport and North Goulburn too. It tastes sweet and a little bit chilli. It has to be washed clean to the dust off." Audrey - Karwuluk
- Hairy yam shoots
"You look for a little hill. We got to dig it up with a steel bar."Caleb - Karnjawarra moulting
- Crabs moulting
"They are trying to grow big so they go soft and then they grow a new one. Caleb
"...we get big mob crab at Wigu and Whalebone. It is favourite spot." Jonah
The best time for hunting and collecting...
Goanna by Ceredwyn Ealanta
- Manpiri (turtle) eggs
- "We get turtle eggs from North Goulburn. We look for where the sand is rough and follow the trail. We use a stick and stab it in the sand. We smell the stick to see if it smells like turtle egg. We dig with our hands because a shovel would bust the eggs. Sometimes goannas steal the eggs." Thomas
- "I go every wet season and look for turtle eggs." Donna
- Wuta (mullet)
- "During the wet season it's the best time for mullet...and it's also good for to catch prawns." Renfred
- Kawirrwa (striped scat)
- "If it shoots us we will feel pain all night and all day. We get green leaf from Munmunguy plant and put it on the fire then press it really hard on the pain and the next day it gets better." Gwenda
- Witjirrk (yellow tail grunter)
- "We use it for bait." Rosharlia
- Wirlmu (barramundi)
- "My favourite fish is barramundi. My uncle is the best cook. He puts it on the fire. I eat it by itself." Devon
- Marrwakara (goanna)
- Fatter at this time.
"Only young girls and boys can eat goanna. If older girls eat it they get scratch marks." Nikkita - Nawariyi (whistle duck)
- "Find them at the creeks and billabong when we go hunting around the Island. We eat them they taste like chicken. They smell like pelican." Ainsley
- Marlajak (tiger prawns)
- "You can catch them (ocean and creeks). They have claws (small). It tastes a bit like crab." Douglas
- Kiyap (fish)
- Kowirrwa, nurulyak, wirlmu (barramundi), martali (mangrove jack), wuta (mullet), wunjarraj, wirtjirr, arilka (parrotfish), alapanja, mumpulimaruny, wurrnguk, ngunymin, makumaku, nankurta, jirnumpu, jakalang, katapanga, ngurrkpartpart, mungurl-ut, nganyjapirn, nayuma, mirrk, narut, wanyjarlarrk, kawirra (striped scat), witjirrk (yellow tail grunter).
- Iyigi (shellfish)
- Kalanyun, mortpoj, wurlngun, kurrmala, ngartjerr, namatpa, naminga, mirarlalu, nganypam, miwuna, wuki, ngarlwak (mud mussel), umunpanji, mirarlalu, maminga, ngarnji, yarlkaj.
- Inyarlgen (turtles)
- Manpiri (turtle/turtle eggs), alapika, majirnti.
- Crustaceans
- Marlajak (tiger prawns), morngany, kanyingan, wirlnguk.
- Yagaru (sharks)
- Wurkirnkirn, mun nuyu, kuywala (stingray), murtij.
- Animals
- Marntingunyuny (dugong), karlurri.
- Plants
- Mayuwirlkm, kurnpi, wardwardang, iru, ngunymuk, marnpi (billy goat plum), wawurluj, mirlak, wunkurlurrk, meperrnperrk, wulpay, karwuluk (hairy yam shoots), warraka, pajo, miyulum (bush yam), mayuparl (bush potato), malngpi, kuli, ngarntowl, yuwak, wurrakak, winyjurlpu, winyjulpu, wukurrminyjilang, walurru (eucalyptus).
Cold weather time: March-July
Kamawurnkartparra apururrk walij la karlurri
Flowers blooming, we know there will be sugar bag (wild honey)
Signs it is Wumulukuk time
- Knock 'em down winds
- "When it gets dry, the long grass falls over in the big winds." Nikkita
- Jampang (tamarind)
- "Tastes a bit sweet and has seeds inside. The seeds are round like a crooked football." Sharnthea
- Itpalk (wattle tree)
- Has flowers, which means it is the end of the wet
- Walurru flowers (eucalyptus)
- Attracts wild bees which make sugar bag
- "People go to see the round sugar bag. We cut it with knives or hammers or dig it out." Audrey
- Grass and trees dry
- Can burn off: Kamarlkpakpa (grass fire)
"We burn off to clear the area so there is no dangerous stuff like snakes." Nikkita
The best time for hunting and collecting...
Sea turtle by Ceredwyn Ealanta
- Manpiri (turtle)
- Getting fat and ready for mating
"Turtle's back fat tastes like T-bone steak. We only take a few turtles, because we take too many we might waste them or no more for the
future." Caleb - "Sometimes, when the night is good, we go out and spear turtle and dugong (Marntingunyuny) on the boat." Renfred
- Arilka (parrotfish)
- "The bones are blue colour. It is a rainbow colour on the outside." Douglas
- Yurrmuyurrmu (blue salmon)
- "It has too many Iyayik (bones). You might choke on them. You gotta take the bones out." Caleb
- Imartuk (black brim)
- "It is easy to catch using longbum (Wumunpanji) (as bait)." Caleb
- Martali (mangrove jack)
- "It's yuck, we don't like it. Tastes like no taste." Caleb
- Kuywala (stingray)
- "We shoot a spear at the stingray when we see a circle and tail wobbling in the water. We follow the tail and see the dust from the stingray digging up the sand. We have to look out for crocodile so it doesn't eat us, and also the spike on the top of the stingray. It really hurts if it stabs you." Aiden
- Marruny (bush banana)
- "They are near the airport. They taste sour but look like small green bananas." Rosharlia
- Miyulum (bush yam)
- "We start collecting Miyulum during April to July because that's the time for harvesting." Jenny
- Mayuparl (bush potato)
- "Tastes like English potato but the English potato is bigger." Audrey
- Karnjawarra (crab)
- "Crab is paired in hole for mating - one is soft." Rosharlia
March, April, and part of May
- Kiyap (fish)
- Lungurran, wurrnguk, wuta (mullet), mumpuli-marruny (bush banana), wampa, wirlmu (barramundi), nurulyak, kuywala (stingray), nangurnta, yurrmuyurrmu (blue salmon), imartuk (black brim), wumunpanji (longbum).
- Iyigi (shellfish)
- Arrayi (black lip oyster), wuki, murriny, karrarnarn (milky oyster), miralalu, maminga, namatpa.
- Inyarlgen (turtles)
- Manpiri (turtle/turtle eggs), munma, majirnti, alapika mangily, kurlajuk.
- Crustaceans
- Kanyan-wirlnguk, nganyjarlwiny, marlajak (tiger prawns), mawuga, alurrwi.
- Animals and birds
- Najarrarri, marrwakara (goanna), kuntarruk, karrak, mirrijpu-kurlajuk, mirrinyak, kurlajuk, nawariyi (whistle duck), kujpagarri, kuntarruk, mirnawt, marntingunyuny (dugong).
- Plants
- Miyulum (bush yam), mayuparl (bush potato), kuli, warraka, wulpay, karlwuluk, wirlamarr, yuwak, wirlan, kantawurlulu, awalk, kupulak, maryawu, wanta, itpalk, karrawu, pajo, yuwak, inyjinyakaj, ngurlurrumumu, jampang (tamarind fruits), Itpalk (wattle tree), walurru (eucalyptus).
Part of May, June, and July
- Fish - Kiyap (fish)
- Manyjurruk, katapanga, jakalang, wurrut, wunjarraj, arilka (parrotfish), martali (mangrove jack), lungurran, wuta mullet), ngunyrrim, najapin, wurralkurrulk, mampui-maruny, wirlnu, nayurna, najapirr, wurringuk, wanyjarlarrk, yurrmuyurrmu (blue salmon), imartuk (black brim), wumunpanji (longbum).
- Iyigi (shellfish)
- Arrayi (black lip oyster), marninga, wuki, ngartjirr, ngarlwak (mud mussels), karrarnarn (milky oyster), miwuna.
- Inyarlgen (turtles)
- Manpiri (turtle/turtle eggs)-kurlajuk, alapika-kurlajuk, marrjarn.
- Yagaru Wampa (sharks and relatives)
- Muri nuyu, murtij. Kinyaka wungijalk, kinyaka tuka yirnkirrk, arlitju kalakalak (kurrwirlku).
- Crustacean
- Karnjawarra (crab), kanyugan, alurri, marlajak (tiger prawns), nganyjarlwiny, wirlnguk.
- Animals and birds
- Kuntarruk, maruny, ngalagayu, najarrarri, karrak mangalpitan, marntingunyuny (dugong), manuk, marwakara, nawariyi (whistle duck), manimunak (magpie goose), mirrinyak, wutput, wirlitpirlit, makakurr.
- Plants
- Mawugany, malngi, marnpi (billy goat plum), miyulum (bush yam), mayuparl (bush potato), wirlamarr, karwuluk (hairy yam shoots), wirlan, milirriny, walurra, nanykarrgarr, kapaja, mawulu, wirnparr, jampang (tamarind), itpalk (wattle tree).
Hot and humid time: August to October
Kamarlkpakpa aparligaj ta walijj
Bushfire burning, new shoots of bush food.
Signs it is Kinyjapurr time
Billy goat plum flower by Ceredwyn Ealanta
- More clouds, getting darker, storms start, rougher seas, getting hotter
- "Somewhere middle October through to January, when the new shoots start, the whales start to travel. My in-laws used to tell my husband to not go night-time hunting for turtle between North and South Goulburn Island because the whale (Nawunawu) hears the motor and comes to see what's happening. But the global warming thing is changing things." Jenny
- Wardwardang (wild apple flowers)
- "They are red on the outside and have a big black seed in the middle." Gwenda
- Marnpi (billy goat plum flowers)
- "Tastes sweet and a little bit chilli. Its green and black seeds on the inside. We don't eat the seeds." Sharnthea
- Mayuparl (bush potato starts to shoot)
- "We look for a spiky flower. It is only small so it is hard to find." Audrey
The best time for hunting and collecting
- Arrayi (black lip oyster) and Karrarnar (milky oyster)
- "They look like rocks. To get them off we hit them on the side." Audrey
- Ngarlwak (mud mussels)
- "You have to look for a triangle shape in the mud." Sharnthea
- "I go...looking for mud mussel because all the time I think now, fresh meat when I go." Donna
- Wugi (mangrove worms)
- "We find them in old mangrove trees. We crack the branches with a hammer till they break. We eat it raw or cooked by boiling. It tastes like crab." Audrey
- Manimunak (magpie goose)
- "In the old days, the people built a trap on the water. The people sat inside and put food on top. When the geese came to eat the food, the people would pull them into the trap and kill them. They would wait till they had enough to fill the trap and then they would go home and share them." Jenny
August and September
- Kiyap (fish)
- Wurrulkurrulk, impurrk, yarri, ngunymin, mungurl-ut, wurringul, najapirn, imartuk (black brim), nayurna, wirlmu (barramundi), wurrut, arilka (parrotfish), jakalang, wunjarraj.
- Yagaru (sharks)
- Murtij.
- Iyigi (shellfish)
- Marninga, karrarnarn (milky oyster), ngarlwak (mud mussels), arrayi (mlack lip oyster).
- Crustaceans
- Kanyngan, morngany.
- Inyarlgen (turtles)
- Manpiri (turtle/turtle eggs) - kurlajuk, alapika-kurlajuk, munma-kurlajuk, majirnti-kurlajuk.
- Plants
- Mawulu, milirriny, ammarra, kupulak, wimparr, wirlan, wardwardang (wild apple flowers).
- Animals
- Manimunak (magpie goose), nawunawu (whale).
September and October
- Kiyap (fish)
- Nangurta, martali (mangrove jack), wuta (mullet) (kurlajuk), ngunymin, wurrnguk, mumpulimarung, ngurrkpartpart, jakalang, nayuma, wurrut, anilka wirlmu (barramundi).
- Yagaru Wampa (sharks and relatives)
- Wurrkirnkirn, kuywala (stingray), arlitja.
- Iyigi (shellfish)
- Inypajiyiny, ngartjerr, namatpa, kalanyun, kurmala, ngarnji, yarlkaj, umunpanij, mortpoj, miwuna.
- Crustaceans
- Karnjawarra (crab).
- Plants
- Warraka, karwuluk (hairy yam shoots), kuli, yuwak, wardwardang (wild apple flowers).
- Animals
- Marrwakara (goanna), nawunawu (whale).