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Yawuru Location Map
Yawuru Calendar
Approximately 50km north of Broome, showing six seasons
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Mankala Marul Wirralburu Barrgana Wirlburu Larja Mankala

Barrgana - cold period June to August

Cold days and nights. It is usually dry but winter rain can fall. Fog also occurs at this time particularly at the beginning and end of the season. The dry wind blows strongly from the southeast off the desert and can bring duststorms.

There is lots of seafood and fish traps are used to catch the now fat salmon and mullet. Dugongs were also hunted.

On the land, the possums, porcupine, wild cat, wallaby and kangaroo are all fat. Bunung and conkerberry are in fruit and there are many bush onion bulbs to eat.

Bureau of Meteorology Temperature and Rainfall Graphs for this region

Permission to use the Yawuru seasonal calendar is granted by "Yawuru Native Title Holders Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC ICN 7033".