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Location Map
Yawuru Calendar
Approximately 50km north of Broome, showing six seasons
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Mankala Marul Wirralburu Barrgana Wirlburu Larja Mankala
Wet season Hot Cooling period Cold Cool to hot Hot Wet season
  Still winds Dry Fog Dry High humidity  
    Winds stronger Dust storms Dust storms    

Go to Bureau of Meteorology rainfall temperature graphs for this region  Go to Bureau of Meteorology rainfall & temperature graphs for this region

icon Yawuru Seasons - after Merrilee Lands and Maria Mann, unpublished; courtesy of Yawuru Corporation. (Further Reading)

Permission to use the Yawuru seasonal calendar is granted by "Yawuru Native Title Holders Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC ICN 7033".