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Yawuru Location Map
Yawuru Calendar
Approximately 50km north of Broome, showing six seasons
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Mankala Marul Wirralburu Barrgana Wirlburu Larja Mankala

Mankala - Wet season December to March

The wet season, when the strong north west wind brings the rains in from the sea. Mankala occurs approximately during December to March. The length of the season depends upon the beginning and end of the 'wet'.

People would take shelter in the shelters constructed during Larja. Ropes made from Pindan Wattle would hold down the huts during squalls and cyclones.

Flies and many other insects are everywhere during this time.

The cocky apple and wild pear are now ready to eat. Yams are also plentiful and can be cooked and eaten

Barn swallows and ducks arrive during this time and are building their nests. There are many flying foxes during this time and fly each evening from the mangroves to the fruiting trees. Snakes are in abundance and the grass is growing rapidly with the rainfall. So be careful walking through the grass. There are many lizards out hunting the abundance of frogs but the lizards are thin and tended to be eaten later in the year when they fatten up.

The stingrays are still plentiful but the turtles have moved away. However, the egg clutches can still be collected.

Bureau of Meteorology Temperature and Rainfall Graphs for this region

Permission to use the Yawuru seasonal calendar is granted by "Yawuru Native Title Holders Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC ICN 7033".