Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal 2000 Papers





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49/1 1-21 A monsoon depression over north-western Australia. Part III: Motion Weber, H.C. and Smith, R.K. weber.pdf


49/1 23-35 Comparison of model and observed surface winds in the Australian region Tang, Y.M., Smith, N. and Greenslade, D. tang.pdf


49/1 37-49 A digital upper ocean temperature atlas for the southwest Pacific: 1955-1988 Holbrook, N.J. and Bindoff, N.L. holbrook.pdf


49/1 51-58 Seasonal climate summary southern hemisphere (autumn 1999): a decline in weak cold episode conditions in the tropical Pacific de Hoedt, G.C. dehoedt.pdf


49/1 59-69 The tropical circulation in the Australian/Asian region - May to October 1999 Shaik, H.A. and Bate, P.W. shaik1.pdf


49/1 71-78 Quarterly numerical weather prediction model performance summary - July to September 1999 Skinner, W. and Hart, T. skinner1.pdf


49/1 79-83 Book reviews - Beyond El Niño: Decadal and Interdecadal Climate Variability (Antonio Navarra (ed.)), Remote Sensing of Tropical Regions (Eugene Sharkov), Climate of the Southern Continents: Present, Past and Future (J.E. Hobbs et al. (eds.)) Not available bookreviews1.pdf


49/1 85-87 Bureau of Meteorology - publications issued 1999 Not available publications.pdf


49/2 87-96 Objective classification of Australian climates Stern, H., de Hoedt, G. and Ernst, J. stern.pdf


49/2 97-107 Verification of TAPM meteorological predictions in the Melbourne region for a winter and summer month Hurley, P. hurley.pdf


49/2 109-120 The impact of wind shear on observed and simulated trajectories during the ACE-1 Lagrangian experiments Siems, S.T., Hess, G.D., Suhre, K., Businger, S. and Draxler, R.R. siems.pdf


49/2 121-138 The South Pacific and southeast Indian Ocean tropical cyclone season 1997-98 Chappel, L.W. and Bate, P.W. chappel.pdf


49/2 139-148 Seasonal climate summary southern hemisphere (winter 1999): a return to near-normal conditions in the tropical Pacific Jones, D.A. jones1.pdf


49/2 149-157 Numerical weather prediction model performance summary October to December 1999 Mulder, K. and Hart, T. mulder.pdf


49/2 159-161 Book reviews - The Stratosphere: Phenomena, History and Relevance (K. Labitzke and H. van Loon), Global Warming: The Hard Science (L. Danny Harvey) Not available bookreviews2.pdf


49/2 163 Corrigendum (re Tang et al., March 2000) Not available corrigendum.pdf


49/3 165-180 Radar and electrical characteristics of convection observed during MCTEX Ahijevych, D.A., Rutledge, S.A. and Carey, L.D. ahijevych.pdf


49/3 181-200 Subtropical fronts observed during the 1996 Central Australian Fronts Experiment Reeder, M.J., Smith, R.K., Deslandes, R., Tapper, N.J. and Mills, G.A. reeder.pdf


49/3 201-221 Trends in seasonal forecasting of tropical cyclone activity Cheung, N.K.W. and Kyle, W.J. cheung.pdf


49/3 223-244 The South Pacific and southeast Indian Ocean tropical cyclone season 1998-99 Oates, S. oates.pdf


49/3 245-254 Numerical weather prediction model performance summary January to March 2000 Skinner, W. and Hart, T. skinner2.pdf


49/3 255-258 An artificial trend in District Average Rainfall in the Snowy Mountains Nicholls, N. nicholls.pdf


49/3 259 Book reviews - Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change (G.P. Brasseur et al. (eds.)) Not available bookreviews3.pdf


49/4 261-276 The spatial structure of monthly temperature anomalies over Australia Jones, D.A. and Trewin, B.C. jones2.pdf


49/4 277-292 Trends in annual frequencies of extreme temperature events in Australia Collins, D.A., Della-Marta, P.M., Plummer, N. and Trewin, B.C. collins.pdf


49/4 293-317 A semi-Lagrangian and semi-implicit scheme on an unstaggered horizontal grid Kar, S.K. and Logan, L.W. kar.pdf


49/4 319-330 Seasonal climate summary southern hemisphere (spring 1999): a transition toward a second successive cool episode (La Niña) Watkins, A.B. watkins.pdf


49/4 331-342 The tropical circulation in the Australian/Asian region November 1999 to April 2000 Shaik, H.A. and Bate, P.W. shaik2.pdf


49/4 343-350 Numerical weather prediction model performance summary April to June 2000 Skinner, W. and Hart, T. skinner3.pdf


49/4 351-354 A systematic difference between pressures measured by Kew pattern mercury barometers and electronic barometers Seaman, R.S. and Warne, J.O. seaman.pdf


49/4 355-356 Book reviews - Atmospheric Thermodynamics (Craig Bohren and Bruce Albrecht) Not available bookreviews4.pdf


49/4 357-359 Indexes - volume 49 Not available indexes.pdf


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. You may download and reproduce any article from this volume and you may republish all or part of an article and supply your reproduction to third parties provided that you prominently include the following acknowledgement on any reproduction that you make: 'Author(s): [include name of author(s) of the article]. Sourced from the Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science (JSHESS) Vol [insert volume], Bureau of Meteorology'. You must not otherwise modify, alter or amend any article that you download or reproduce.

A corrigendum of the Tang et al. paper from the March 2000 issue was published in the June 2000 issue. On this page a corrected copy of the original paper is shown.