Vol/No. |
Pages |
Title |
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61/1 | 1-22 | RAMSSA - An operational, high-resolution, Regional Australian Multi-Sensor Sea surface temperature Analysis over the Australian region | Beggs, H., Zhong, A., Warren, G., Alves, O., Brassington, G. and Pugh, T. | beggs.pdf |
61/1 | 23-30 | Significant decline in storminess over southeast Australia since the late 19th century | Alexander, L.V., Wang, X.L., Wan, H. and Trewin, B. | alexander.pdf |
61/1 | 31-42 | On the meteorological and hydrological mechanisms resulting in the 2003 post-fire flood event in Alpine Shire, Victoria | Gallucci, J., Tryhorn, L., Lynch, A. and Parkyn, K. | gallucci.pdf |
61/1 | 43-52 | Modelling heatwaves: connecting an empirical Markov process model with an autoregressive model | Grace, W. | grace.pdf |
61/1 | 53-63 | The tropical circulation in the Australian and Asian region - May to October 2010 | Shaik, H.A. and Lisonbee, J. | shaik1.pdf |
61/1 | 65-76 | Seasonal climate summary southern hemisphere (autumn 2010): rapid decay of El Niño, wetter than average in central, northern and eastern Australia and warmer than usual in the west and south | Campbell, B. | campbell.pdf |
61/1 | 77-90 | The Antarctic ozone hole during 2008 and 2009 | Tully, M.B., Klekociuk, A.R., Alexander, S.P., Dargaville, R.J., Deschamps, L.L., Fraser, P.J., Gies, H.P., Henderson, S.I., Javorniczky, J., Krummel, P.B., Petelina, S.V., Shanklin, J.D., Siddaway, J.M. and Stone, K.A. | tully.pdf |
61/2 | 91-105 | Evaluation of rainfall drivers and teleconnections in an ACCESS AMIP run | Risbey, J.S., McIntosh, P.C., Pook, M.J., Rashid, H.A. and Hirst, A.C. | risbey.pdf |
61/2 | 107-112 | Occurrence of positive and negative polarity cloud-to-ground lightning flashes: case study of CGR4 and GPATS data for Brisbane, Australia | Kuleshov, Y., Hettrick, P., Mackerras, D., Darveniza, M. and Jayaratne, E.R. | kuleshov.pdf |
61/2 | 113-116 | Impact of drought on temperature extremes in Melbourne, Australia | Nicholls, N. and Larsen, S. | nicholls.pdf |
61/2 | 117-123 | The generation and assimilation of continuous AMVs with 4DVar | Le Marshall, J., Seecamp, R., Xiao, Y., Steinle, P., Sims, H., Skinner, T., Jung, J. and Le, T. | lemarshall.pdf |
61/2 | 125-135 | Seasonal climate summary southern hemisphere (winter 2010): a fast developing La Niña | Ganter, C. | ganter.pdf |
61/2 | 137-140 | Quarterly numerical weather prediction model performance summaries - October to December 2010 and January to March 2011 | Wu, X. | wu1.pdf |
61/2 | 141 | Book review: Turbulence in the atmosphere, John C. Wyngaard | Hess, D. | bookreview.pdf |
61/3 | 143-158 | A severe thunderstorm climatology for Australia and associated thunderstorm environments | Allen, J.T., Karoly, D.J. and Mills, G.A. | allen.pdf |
61/3 | 159-170 | Impact of the Indian Ocean high pressure system on winter precipitation over western and southwestern Australia | Hameed, S., Iqbal, M.J., Saqib-ur-Rehman and Collins, D. | hameed.pdf |
61/3 | 171-184 | Evaluating the TRMM 3B43 monthly precipitation products using gridded raingauge data over Australia | Fleming, K., Awange, J.L., Kuhn, M. and Featherstone, W.E. | fleming.pdf |
61/3 | 185-195 | Seasonal climate summary southern hemisphere (spring 2010): La Niña strengthens | Lovitt, C. | lovitt.pdf |
61/3 | 197-199 | Quarterly numerical weather prediction model performance summary - April to June 2011 | Wu, X. and Bridge, C. | wu2.pdf |
61/4 | 201-210 | Meteorological aspects of the 31 March 2009 Coffs Harbour flash flood | Speer, M.S., Phillips, J. and Hanstrum, B.N. | speer.pdf |
61/4 | 211-219 | Calculation of joint PDFs for climate change with properties matching recent Australian projections | Watterson, I.G. | watterson1.pdf |
61/4 | 221-230 | Joint PDFs for Australian climate in future decades and an idelaized application to wheat crop yield | Watterson, I.G. and Whetton, P.H. | watterson2.pdf |
61/4 | 231-239 | Heat, humidity and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation in Sydney, Australia | Pepler, A.S. | pepler.pdf |
61/4 | 241-251 | Seasonal climate summary southern hemisphere (summer 2010-2011): second-wettest Australian summer on record and one of the strongest La Niña events on record | Imielska, A. | imielska.pdf |
61/4 | 253-267 | The Antarctic ozone hole during 2010 | Klekociuk, A.R., Tully, M.B., Alexander, S.P., Dargaville, R.J., Deschamps, L.L., Fraser, P.J., Gies, H.L., Henderson, S.I., Javorniczky, J., Krummel, P.B., Petelina, S.V., Shanklin, J.D., Siddaway, J.M. and Stone, K.A. | klekociuk.pdf |
61/4 | 269-271 | Quarterly numerical weather prediction model performance summary - July to September 2011 | Wu, X. | wu3.pdf |
61/4 | 273-277 | Indexes - volume 61 | Not available | indexes.pdf |
indexes_hres.pdf |
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