Severe weather explained

Explore our blog articles to understand how severe weather works, and how you can prepare for it and stay safe.

Understanding fire

Understanding fire

Weather conditions influence the size, intensity, speed and ... >

When bushfires make their own weather

When bushfires make their own weather

It’s well known that weather conditions can increase the risk of bushfires and ... >

Fire weather across
northern Australia

Fire weather across
northern Australia

Anyone who has visited northern Australia during the dry season would be familiar ... >

What is drought?

What is drought?

The effects of drought can be distressing—particularly in agricultural areas ... >

What is a flood?

What is a flood?

Flooding is among Australia's most deadly natural disasters—but it's also ... >

What are flash floods?

What are flash floods?

Flash flooding is a significant threat across Australia. It can cause ... >

How will I know if a
heatwave is coming?

How will I know if a
heatwave is coming?

In the last 200 years, severe and extreme heatwaves have cost more lives than ... >

What is a

What is a

Thunderstorms are associated with very tall clouds called cumulonimbus that produce turbulence, lightning and ... >

Thunderstorms: your
questions answered

Thunderstorms: your
questions answered

All thunderstorms are pretty severe aren't they? Well no, only some are ... >

What is a tropical

What is a tropical

Tropical cyclones are usually defined as low-pressure systems that form over ... >

How do tropical cyclones
get their names?

How do tropical cyclones
get their names?

Tropical cyclones are named to help with communication about these dangerous storms. Names also ... >