Many Australians enjoy boating on our oceans, bays, rivers and lakes. As conditions can change quickly, knowing what weather you're headed into is key for your safe return. [Presenter name: Sean Carson, Senior Meteorologist.] To help you understand and plan for current and approaching weather, wave and tidal conditions, the Bureau provides marine warnings, forecasts and information on its website. [Screenshots of front page, and the link to the Marine & Ocean section.] Our MarineLite service is a text-only website that uses minimal data, allowing you to access information cheaply through satellite and mobile phone data connections. [Animation of a mobile phone scrolling through the Bureau's MarineLite website.] For those that need more detail, our online mapping tool MetEye will help you visualise forecasts and plan for your local conditions. [Animation of a laptop, showing the Bureau's graphical weather forecast mapping tool MetEye.] Bureau warnings and forecasts are also broadcast on marine radio. For boaties with an HF Marine radio, the Bureau continually broadcasts warnings and forecasts for high seas and Australian coastal areas. With VHF marine radios, services differ between regions and are typically managed by state or territory authorities. Along the Australian coastline, the Bureau provides forecasts for distinct areas. These areas are: Local waters forecasts, which cover bays, harbours and inland waters where frequent boating activity occur; and Coastal waters forecasts, which cover areas within 60 nautical miles of the coast. Staying up to date with forecasts and warnings is just as important as watching the weather. Once on the water, keep an eye on the horizon, and if threatening weather is approaching, head back. For more weather and safety information, please go to our website at And remember: If you're the Skipper, you're responsible.