Aviation meteorological services help to enhance the safety, regularity and efficiency of national and international aviation. The Bureau of Meteorology (Bureau) has several aviation roles managed by the Meteorological Authority Office, including:
- Under the Convention for International Civil Aviation 1947 (the Chicago Convention) the Bureau is the designated Meteorological Authority for Australia and is required to ensure that aviation meteorological services are provided in accordance with international standards.
- For the purpose of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998, Part 91 (CASR Part 91), the Bureau may approve automatic weather stations.
Annex 3 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation – Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation provides the standards and recommended practices for aviation meteorological services. These apply within Australia to both domestic and international aviation, with some registered differences. Information on the meteorological service provided to aviation in Australia is given in the Airservices Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).
Contact us
I have questions or would like to provide feedback in relation to services
The Meteorological Authority Office (MAO) is committed to working cooperatively with the aviation community to maintain and enhance aviation safety and pursues continual improvement of our service delivery through close liaison with our customers and other key stakeholders.
If you have questions, or would like to provide feedback in relation to MAO services please email us at metauthority@bom.gov.au
How do I stay informed?
The MAO sends email notifications alerting stakeholders to document consultation and developments in aviation meteorological service regulation and compliance. If you would like to add your email address to our list of contacts please email us at metauthority@bom.gov.au