Data Summary
Title: Water Data Online : streamflow level and discharge timeseries per station, for stations across Australia
Status: onGoing
Start Time: 1890-01-01
End Time: unknown
Geographical Extent (deg):
West: 111.796875
East: 155.390625
South: -46.0546875
North: -8.0859375
Data Details
Water Data Online provides free access to nationally consistent, current and historical water data (and related information) that is collected by the Bureau of Meteorology under the Water Regulations (2008). It allows users to view and download standardised data and reports.
Watercourse level and discharge (Water Regulations, Category 1) time series data collected from approximately 3500 measurement stations across Australia is currently available on Water Data Online.
This data has generally been supplied by lead water agencies (see: ).
The Bureau will continue to work to expand the number of water information categories ( ) and water monitoring stations presented. For more information refer to the Water Data Online information sheet. [ ]
The time period over which data is available varies according to how long the stations have been operating. The period of record for some locations starts in the late 19th century.
Water Data Online does not display near real time, or flood data.
Water Data Online also contains historical data from some stations that are no longer being operated. Such data can provide valuable insight into environmental changes and help build a more comprehensive national picture of our water resources.
Supplementary Information:
For more background and FAQ, see:
To access data, locate a station via the map (or by searching by name), and double-click. Select the data type from the LeftHandSide options. Click the "dataDownload" button, beneath those options.
TimeSeries data options:
For Watercourse Discharge: Continuous, Daily Max, Daily Min, Daily Mean, Monthly Mean, Yearly Mean;
For Watercourse Level: Continuous, Daily Mean, Monthly Mean, Yearly Mean, Daily max PR02, Daily min PR02
This dataset is collected by the Bureau of Meteorology under the Commonwealth Water Regulations (2008).
(Type: theme; Thesaurus:
GCMD Science Keywords [ ])
- EARTH SCIENCE | Terrestrial Hydrosphere | Surface Water | River/Streams
- EARTH SCIENCE | Terrestrial Hydrosphere | Surface Water | Water Depth
ANZLIC Theme Search Terms)
- WATER-Hydrology
- WATER-Rivers
- WATER-Surface
- DataParam: streamflow discharge - observations - Australia
- DataParam: streamflow level - observations - Australia
- DataType: Point Observations
- QCtype: varied (as received)
Citation Details
Title: Water Data Online : streamflow level and discharge timeseries per station, for stations across Australia
Resource Date:
Party To Be Cited:
Organisation: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Role: originator
Point Of Contact For Dataset
Point Of Contact: ISS Ingest Support, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Custodian: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Owner: Water Data Providers as specified in the Regulations (see
Data Extent
Extent Description: Australia
Geographical Extent (deg):
West Bound Longitude: 111.796875
East Bound Longitude: 155.390625
South Bound Latitude: -46.0546875
North Bound Latitude: -8.0859375
Temporal Extent:
Start Time: 1890-01-01
End Time: unknown
Description: 1890 onwards; The time period over which data is available varies according to how long the stations have been operating. The period of record for some locations starts in the late 19th century. Data is not 'realtime'
Dataset Constraints
Dataset Legal Constraints:
Use Constraints: copyright; otherRestrictions
Use Limitation:
Data supplied by the data Owners to the Bureau of Meteorology is provided as is, within Water Data Online.
Other Constraints:
Licencing varies, per data supplier.
Unless otherwise stated at the the following webpage [ ], the License for data is Creative Commons (CC-BY/3.0/au ). Most owners provide data under a Creative Commons Attribution License. ("Attribution" means that information can be used with acknowledgement). Before using data, please refer to Copyright for the license preferences of the supplying organisation(s) and contact data owners as appropriate.
Data Owners licence details are here:
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Data Information
Data Distribution Information
DownloadableData .cc.forPartOfData : Search : Water Data Online website []
, Function: search
Point of truth URL of this metadata record []
(www link)
, Function: information
Data Quality
Level: dataset
Statement: Water Data Online displays information supplied by lead water agencies from each State and Territory. These data collection organisations are the custodians and licensees of the data.
Each time series dataset is a combination of validated data (which has passed the data owner’s quality assurance procedures) and provisional data (recent raw data that has not been quality checked).
Most data is supplied daily and the Bureau updates Water Data Online as soon as new data has been processed. The Bureau receives data at different frequencies, depending on the organisation, the data category and the measurement method used at the station where data is collected.
Reference System
Code: GDA 94
Code Space: Geocentric Datum of Australia
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Metadata Information
Metadata Identifier: ANZCW0503900339
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Hierarchy Level Name: Data Asset Audit record