Data Summary
Title: ADFD : 3 Hourly Swell2 Magnitude
Start Time: now
End Time: now
Geographical Extent (deg):
West: 112
East: 155
South: -45
North: -9
Data Details
Bureau of Meteorology Australian Digital Forecast Database Grid. Forecasts are issued by the Bureau of Meteorology on a routine basis for each state and merged into one forecast grid for Australia for each forecast element. This forecast element is the 3 Hourly Swell2 Magnitude
Supplementary Information:
See or for more information. Grid Element name: Swell2_Mag
Product ID: IDZ71024
To provide a graphical representation of the forecast for the ADFD grid of Swell 2 Magnitude (m).
Topic Category: oceans
Topic Category: climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
(Type: theme)
- MARINE-Meteorology
- EARTH SCIENCE | Oceans | Ocean Waves | Significant Wave Height
- EARTH SCIENCE | Oceans | Ocean Waves | Swells
Citation Details
Title: ADFD : 3 Hourly Swell2 Magnitude
Resource Date:
Party To Be Cited:
Organisation: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Role: originator
Point Of Contact For Dataset
Custodian: Manager, Geospatial Data Unit, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Owner: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Data Extent
Geographical Extent (deg):
West Bound Longitude: 112
East Bound Longitude: 155
South Bound Latitude: -45
North Bound Latitude: -9
Temporal Extent:
Start Time: now
End Time: now
Dataset Constraints
Dataset Legal Constraints:
Access Constraints: copyright; otherRestrictions
Use Constraints: copyright; otherRestrictions
Other Constraints:
- Please refer to for more details about copyright
- Please refer to for disclaimer details
- Access only available to registered users. Please refer to
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Data Information
Data Distribution Information
Distribution Format:
Name: netCDF
Version: 3.6
Distribution Format:
Name: GRIB
Version: 2.0
Transfer Options:
Products available for Registered Users only []
Point of truth URL of this metadata record []
(www link)
, Function: information
Data Quality
Level: dataset
Statement: The ADFD files are updated routinely twice per day at around 6 am and 6 pm local time. If the forecasts are updated, the ADFD grids are not necessarily updated at the same time as the changes to the forecasts. Priority is given to updating the forecasts and warnings issued directly to the public through the media or web.
Dataset Update Frequency
Maintenance And Update Frequency: continual
Maintenance Note: Datasets are updated routinely at around 6 am and 6 pm local time.
Reference System
Code: GDA 94
Code Space: Geocentric Datum of Australia
Identifier Authority:
Identifier Authority Title: EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset
Identifier Authority Date:
Spatial Representation
Type: grid
Spatial Resolution:
1 :
Number of Dimensions: 2
Axis Propertities:
Name: row
Size: 723
Resolution: 0.05
Axis Propertities:
Name: column
Size: 702
Resolution: 0.05
Cell Geometry: area
Transformation Parameter Available: false
Metadata Constraints
Metadata Legal Constraints:
Use Constraints: copyright; otherRestrictions
Other Constraints:
- Metadata constraints: The authoritative (Point of truth) full version of this metadata record is under copyright, and available from [ ]. Licence details about harvesting and derivative versions of the metadata are included there.
- Metadata Licence details: The authoritative metadata record may be copied, harvested and/or re-presented, provided* that, in relation to the metadata record available from the "Point of truth URL of this metadata record" : a) the "Key content" listed below is retained, visible, and unaltered, and b) the interpretation of any newly assigned field-labelling (for that content) is consistent with the original, such that content interpretation will be correct (*except where permission is given by the Bureau of Meteorology to do otherwise). Key Content: Distribution/TransferOptions section's content; MetadataConstraints section's content; the ResourceConstraints section's content, and the Citation/CitedResponsibleParty section.
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Metadata Information
Metadata Identifier: ANZCW0503900346
Language: eng
Character Set: utf8
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Metadata Contact:
Point Of Contact: Manager, Geospatial Data Unit, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Date Metadata Revised: 2017-12-14T08:38:23
Metadata Standard:
ISO19115:2003/ISO19139:2007; Geographic information - Metadata
(ver. 1.0)