Data Summary
Title: SWS Solar Spectrograph Data from Culgoora (N.S.W.) and Learmonth (W.A.) ( 1992 onwards )
Status: onGoing
Start Time: 1992-11-15
End Time: now
Geographical Extent (deg):
West: 114.00000000000001
East: 151
South: -31
North: -22
Data Details
Culgoora and Learmonth Observatories' dynamic spectrogram plots display frequency in MHz on the vertical axis and time in UT on the horizontal axis. Each plot spans local daylight hours, with time resolution of 3 seconds. The frequency range is 18 - 1800 MHz for Culgoora spectrograms, and 25 - 180 MHz for Learmonth spectrograms.
The intensity values are color coded, and are expressed as relative logarithmic units (0 to 255).
The Culgoora spectrograms consist of 4 frequency bands: 18-57, 57-180, 180-570 570 -1800 MHz; and Learmonth has 2 bands: 25-75, 75-180 MHz. The two Learmonth bands are each divided into 400 frequency steps.
Culgoora spectrograph data is available for November 1992 onwards, Learmonth data for June 2000 onwards.
Data frequency :Daily file;
Supplementary Information:
Map of SWS station locations: [ ].
Documentation about solar spectrograph data format [ ].
+++++++++++++Parameter #1
Name : Relative counts;
Description : The intensity values are color coded and are expressed as relative logarithmic units (0 to 255).
Cadence : 12 hours ;
Wave type : Plasma waves ;
Quantity : ACElectricField ;
Qualifier : Magnitude, Pseudo ;
Frequency range
Spectral range : RadioFrequency ;
Low frequency : 18 ;
High frequency : 1800 ;
Units : MHz ;
This solar spectrograph dataset supports the Bureau's Space Weather Services ( SWS ) Program.
(Type: theme)
- Solar Spectrograph
- DataType-Observations
- Space Weather
- Solar Radio Burst
- Solar Activity Event
- Solar Radiospectrogram
- Instrument : Radiospectrograph
- MeasurementType-Passive waves
- Observed regions-Earth.Magnetosphere
- Observed regions-Heliosphere.Inner
- Observed regions-Heliosphere.Outer
- Observed regions-Sun \
- Dynamic Spectrogram
- Jovian Decametric Radiation
- Solar radio burst
- Spectrogram
- Transmitter
- Type II Solar radio burst
- Type III Solar radio burst
- Type IV Solar radio burst
(Type: theme; Thesaurus:
GCMD science keywords)
- Earth Science | Sun-Earth Interactions | Solar Activity
- Earth Science | Sun-Earth Interactions | Solar Activity | Solar Radio Wave Emissions
Citation Details
Title: SWS Solar Spectrograph Data from Culgoora (N.S.W.) and Learmonth (W.A.) ( 1992 onwards )
Resource Date:
Party To Be Cited:
Organisation: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Role: originator
Credit: Support is kindly provided by the SWN, and US Air Force in Learmonth, for the Solar Spectrograph observations data.
Point Of Contact For Dataset
Point Of Contact: WDC Manager, WDC manager; Space Weather Services, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Web: Bureau of Meteorology Space Weather World Data Centre website. []
, Function: information
Custodian: WDC Manager, WDC manager; Space Weather Services, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Owner: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Data Extent
Extent Description: Australia : Learmonth (Lat. -22.25 Long. 114.08E) and Culgoora (Lat. -30.28 Long. 149.58E). [Decimal degrees]
Geographical Extent (deg):
West Bound Longitude: 114.00000000000001
East Bound Longitude: 151
South Bound Latitude: -31
North Bound Latitude: -22
Temporal Extent:
Start Time: 1992-11-15
End Time: now
Description: 1992-11-15 to now
Dataset Constraints
Dataset Legal Constraints:
Use Constraints: copyright; otherRestrictions
Use Limitation:
The solar spectrograph data has had very limited quality control.
Other Constraints:
Data resources freely available from the Bureau of Meteorology website and ftp site, which are described in this metadata record are licensed under the Bureau's "Default terms of use", which are explained at the following url [ ].
ATTRIBUTION: We request that attribution is "Australian Bureau of Meteorology (date), (Title), [ ]; Downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download].
DISCLAIMER: Please refer to [ ] for disclaimer details.
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Data Information
Data Distribution Information
DownloadableData : Daily solar spectrograph data, Observation Logs Format, and Solar Radio Burst Classifications. []
, Function: download
Online solar spectrograph information and real time spectrograph data (from two solar observatories). []
, Function: information
DownloadableData : FTP station solar spectrograph data of Culgoora and Learmonth []
, Function: download
A Windows spectrograph viewer ( to view raw spectrograph data file []
Summary of data availability []
Documentation: descriptions of Observation Log format, data format []
Spectrographs (realtime, hourly and daily) from Culgoorla Observatory []
Spectrographs (realtime, hourly and daily) from Learmonth Observatory []
SPASE metadata records [SPASE format], per station/data-type []
Point of truth URL of this metadata record (19115) []
(www link)
, Function: information
Data Quality
Level: dataset
Statement: The solar Spectrograph data are processed data, and are uncalibrated.
The solar spectrograph data has had very limited quality control.
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Metadata Information
Metadata Identifier: ANZCW0503900483
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Hierarchy Level Name: Data Asset Audit record