Data Summary
Title: SWS Raw and Clean Ionogram, Scaled Ionspheric data ( 1938 onwards ), Australasia
Status: onGoing
Start Time: 1938-01-01
End Time: now
Geographical Extent (deg):
West: 45
East: 168
South: -90
North: -9
Data Details
Ionograms are an image of frequency versus time delay (virtual height) of HF echoes from the ionosphere recorded by an ionosonde. An ionosonde is a swept frequency HF pulsed radar used to monitor the ionosphere. SWS WDC has archived ionogram data from 30 stations, 16 of them are still active at present. The most active ionosondes in Space Weather Network (SWN) are IPS 5D ionosonde.
The 5D vertical sounding ionosondes normally sweep in frequency from about 1 to 21.5 MHz. Frequency step resolution for the 5D is 5kHz, with up to 4095 steps available. The step interval is variable, becoming more coarse at higher frequencies as ionograms are generally displayed on a logarithmic scale. Every five minutes, a Ionogram data file is recorded, cleaned and the cleaned ionogram is transfered to SWS Sydney head office for autoscaling and further analysis. The raw ionogram file is recorded in a DVD monthly, which will be posted to Sydney SWS head office every month. SWN also operates a few other digital ionosondes, they are IPS 4D in SCott Base, Antarctic, Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde (CADI) in Casey, Macquarie Island and Mawson, Lowell digisonde in Davis station.
In the past, the former IPS also used IPS 4c, 4d, 5a and 5c ionosondes. SWS WDC archives all raw digital ionogram files and cleaned ionogram files. The clean ionogram data is available since 1991, and digital raw ionogram data since 1992. The scaled hourly ionospheric data include parameters of foF2, foF1, FoE, foEs, fbEs, fmin, fxl, f'scaling F/s, M(3000)F2, h'F2, h'F, h'E, h'Es, h'Scaling R/S and Type Es. They are avalable since 1938. The median data of foF2 and M(3000)F2 are also available since 1938.
Data frequency: every 5 minutes file;
Supplementary Information:
More information about Australian Ionosonde Stations, [ ] and station locations are available from [ ]
++++++++++++Parameter #1
Name :
Description : Frequencies used to sonde ionosphere
Cadence : 5 minutes;
Units : MHz ;
Wave type : Electromagnetic ;
Quantity : Frequency ;
Qualifier : Directional Group ;
Frequency range :
- Spectral range : RadioFrequency ;
- Low frequency : 1 ;
- High frequency : 21.5 ;
- Units : MHz ;
++++++++++++Parameter #2
Name : Virtual Height ;
Description : The apparent height of an ionospheric layer deduced from the time delay of a reflected radio pulse upon the assumption that it travelled at the speed of light over its entire path. However, the radio wave actually slows down as it is refracted so that the virtual height is greater than the true height of the refracting layer. ;
Cadence 5 minutes ;
Units : Km ;
Valid minimum : 50 ;
Valid maximum : 1000 :
Quantity : Other ;
Ionograms and their scaled ionospheric data are used to produce Ionospheric maps and is used for finding the optimum operation frequencies for broadcasts or two-way communications in the high frequency range.
This dataset supports the Bureau's Space Weather Services ( SWS ) Program.
(Type: theme)
- Ionogram data
- DataType-Observations
- MeasurementType-Waves.Active
- Space Weather
(Type: place)
- Earth.NearSurface
- Scaled ionospheric data
(Type: theme)
- DataParam-Riometer-Waves.Active
(Type: theme; Thesaurus:
GCMD science keywords)
- Earth Science | Sun-Earth Interactions | Ionospher/Magnetosphere Dynamics
Citation Details
Title: SWS Raw and Clean Ionogram, Scaled Ionspheric data ( 1938 onwards ), Australasia
Resource Date:
Party To Be Cited:
Organisation: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Role: originator
Credit: The Space Weather Network, Australian Bureau of Meteorology is responsible for the Ionogram observations data products.
Credit: Support for the ionosonde stations is kindly provided byAAD ( Australian Antarctic Division ), DSTO ( Defence Science and Technology Organisation ), GA ( Geoscience Australia ), SWS [exIPS] (Space Weather Services) Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Niue Met ( Niue Island Meteorological Service ), U Auckland ( University of Auckland, New Zealand ), U Canterbury ( University of Canterbury, New Zealand ), U PNG ( University of Papua New Guinea ), and USAF ( United States Air Force )
Point Of Contact For Dataset
Point Of Contact: WDC manager; Space Weather Services; Hazards Prediction Branch; Hazards, Warnings and Forecasts Division;, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Web: Bureau of Meteorology Space Weather website []
, Function: information
Custodian: WDC manager; Space Weather Services; Hazards Prediction Branch; Hazards, Warnings and Forecasts Division;, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Owner: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Data Extent
Geographical Extent (deg):
West Bound Longitude: 45
East Bound Longitude: 168
South Bound Latitude: -90
North Bound Latitude: -9
Temporal Extent:
Start Time: 1938-01-01
End Time: now
Description: 1938-01-01 to now
Dataset Constraints
Dataset Legal Constraints:
Use Constraints: copyright; otherRestrictions
Use Limitation:
The data has a very limited quality control.
Other Constraints:
- DATA LICENCE: Data resources freely available from the Bureau of Meteorology website and ftp site, which are described in this metadata record are licensed under the Bureau's "Default terms of use", which are explained at the following url [ ]. ATTRIBUTION: We request that attribution is "Australian Bureau of Meteorology (date) Title {Point-of-truth metadata url, eg} ; [object type, such as webpage / xml file] downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download]
- DISCLAIMER: Please refer to [ ] for disclaimer details.
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Data Information
Data Distribution Information
DownloadableData : Hourly scaled ionospheric data online display and yearly text file download and all station-parameter data availability. []
, Function: download
DownloadableData : Monthly ionospheric median data online display and station file download and all station-parameter data availability. []
, Function: download
DownloadableData : FTP access to the all SWS raw and clean ionogram data and auto-scaled ionospheric data files. []
, Function: download
Stations, and their Ionogram data timespans []
, Function: information
Documentation: descriptions of data format of raw ionogram data and clean ionogram data []
, Function: information
Online viewer of Real Time clean ionogram data []
, Function: information
Software to view clean ionogram data with scaling function []
, Function: information
SPASE metadata records [SPASE format], per station/data-type []
Point of truth URL of this metadata record (19115) []
, Function: information
Data Quality
Level: dataset
Statement: The original ionogram data are raw data. These are then cleaned by reducing noise signals at the station. The manually scaled data is calibrated and the autoscaled data is uncalibrated.
The raw and clean ionogram data are automatically processed and are uncalibrated.
The Ionogram and auto scaled ionospheric data has a very limited quality control.
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Metadata Information
Metadata Identifier: ANZCW0503900485
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Hierarchy Level Name: Data Asset Audit record