Service Summary
Title: Water Data Online : Web Data Services ( SOS2 ) - station reference data and historic time series water data, for stations across Australia collected by the Bureau of Meteorology under the Water Regulations 2008
Status: onGoing
Service Details
Title: Water Data Online : Web Data Services ( SOS2 ) - station reference data and historic time series water data, for stations across Australia collected by the Bureau of Meteorology under the Water Regulations 2008
Status: onGoing
(Type: theme)
- Sensor Observation Service v.2
- Hydrology - Water data (historic )
- DataParam: streamflow discharge - observations per station - Australia,
- DataParam: streamflow level - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: water storage level - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: water storage volume - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: groundwater level - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: temperature, dry air - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: temperature, water - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: turbidity - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: water pH - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: electrical conductivity - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: relative humidity - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: wind direction - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: wind speed - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: relative humidity - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: rainfall - observations per station - Australia
- DataParam: evaporation - observations per station - Australia
- DataType: Point Observations
- QCtype: varied (as received, and QC'd)
Water Data Online provides free access to nationally consistent, current and historical water data (and related information) that is collected by the Bureau of Meteorology under the Water Regulations (2008). Time series data collected from approximately 5000 measurement stations across Australia are currently available. The parameters currently available on Water Data Online are:
• Watercourse Level (Water Regulations category 1a)
• Watercourse Discharge (Water Regulations category 1b)
• Storage Level (Water Regulations category 3a)
• Storage Volume (Water Regulations category 3b)
The WDO SOS2 Web Data Services provide access to the station and timeseries data available via Water Data Online. In addition, the service provides access to:
• Timeseries data for groundwater level, water temperature, turbidity, water pH, electrical conductivity, rainfall, evaporation, relative humidity, dry air temperature , wind direction and speed parameters.
• Watercourse Level and Watercourse Discharge data sourced from some flood warning stations (Water Regulatons category 11a and 11b).
• Watercourse Level and Watercourse Discharge time series that have undergone further processing to prepare data for streamflow forecasting.
• Accessible Volume and Australian Height Datum Level time series for some Water Storages.
This SOS2 service offers many different types of timeseries {procedures} for each parameter. These include continuous, hourly, daily, monthly and yearly timeseries. They are explained in the GUIDE
[ ].
Please refer to the overarching metatadata record for Water Data Online [ ], for full details.
Title: Water Data Online : Web Data Services ( SOS2 ) - station reference data and historic time series water data, for stations across Australia collected by the Bureau of Meteorology under the Water Regulations 2008
Alternative Title:
- SOS2 WDO Web Data Services – station and historic time series data for watercourse level and discharge, water storage volume and level, groundwater level, water temperature, turbidity, water pH, electrical conductivity, rainfall, evaporation, relative humidity, dry air temperature , wind direction and speed parameters for stations across Australia. {DRAFT stopgap metadata}
Resource Date:
Party To Be Cited:
Organisation: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Role: originator
Water Data Online - SOS2
Point Of Contact:
Point Of Contact: Joanne Sullivan, Water Data Online SOS Services Project Manager, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Owner: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Service Information
Service Type: OGC:SOS
Service Version: 2.0.0
Service Extent
Geographical Extent (deg):
West Bound Longitude: 111.79688000000002
East Bound Longitude: 155.39063
South Bound Latitude: -46.05469
North Bound Latitude: -8.08594
Temporal Extent:
Start Time: 1890-01-01
End Time: now
Description: 1892 onwards, includes current and historic data; The time period over which data is available varies according to how long the stations have been operating. The period of record for some locations starts in the late 19th century. Data is updated daily.
Coupling Type: mixed
Name: GetCapabilities
DCP: WebServices
Connection Point: Water Data Online ( WDO ) - Sensor Observation Service ( SOS ) GetCapabilities.
The response lists all parameters offered {observedProperty}, and each observationOffering - identified by the timeseries identifier / {procedure}. These {} are needed for other request types. []
, Function: information
Name: GetFeatureofInterest
DCP: WebServices
Connection Point: WDO -SOS- GetFeatureOfInterest : example request, using a filter by {observedProperty} (in this case: Water Storage).
The response provides a list of all stations (FeatureOfInterest} that have a 'Storage Volume' parameter.
NB: it is also possible to filter by {procedure} and/or by spatial region. []
Name: GetDataAvailability
DCP: WebServices
Connection Point: WDO -SOS- GetDataAvailability : example request, using a filter by {featureOfInterest} (in this case: station 410713 – Paddy’s River at Riverlea).
(Checks for all timeseries, and parameters in a timeseries, available for that station {featureOfInterest}).
The response provides, for each timeseries related to that station [410713], the timeseries' identifier {procedure}, parameter measured {observedproperty}, and timespan.
NB: the getdataAvailability request can also filter by {procedure} and {observedProperty} []
, Function: information
Connection Point: WDO -SOS- GetDataAvailability : example request, using a filter by a specific {featureOfInterest} and {observedProperty}.
(Checks which timeseries, for parameterX, are available from that station, and the timespans of those timeseries) []
, Function: information
Connection Point: WDO -SOS- GetDataAvailability : example request, using a filter by a specific {featureOfInterest} and timeseries identifier {procedure} (Checks the timespan of that timeseries, at that station, and [where relevant] the parameters available for that timeseries) []
, Function: information
Connection Point: WDO -SOS- GetDataAvailability : example request, using a filter by a specific {featureOfInterest} and timeseries identifier {procedure}
This example response shows that 2 parameters are available, for this timeseries {procedure} at this station. []
, Function: information
Name: getObservation
DCP: WebServices
Connection Point: DownloadableData : WDO -SOS- GetObservation: example request using just the FeatureOfInterest (FOI). The response provides the period of record, and last observation, for all {parameters}/{observableProperty} and {time series types}/{procedures}, measured at station (FOI) 410713 – Paddy’s River at Riverlea. (Only the latest observation in the time series is returned, when there is no time filter in the request) []
, Function: download
Connection Point: DownloadableData : WDO -SOS- GetObservation: example request using the FeatureOfInterest (FOI) and a timeseries identifier {procedure} and a timespan {temporalFilter}.
The response returns data from that timeseries (identified by the {procedure} Pat2_C_B_1 : which is merged provisional and validated data for Rainfall), measured at station 41001701 (Numeralla @ Chakola), for the timeperiod 2012-01-01 to 2012-02-01 [,2012-01-01T00:00:00Z/2012-02-01T00:00:00Z]
, Function: download
Dataset Constraints
Dataset Legal Constraints:
Use Constraints: copyright; otherRestrictions
Other Constraints:
Licencing varies, per data supplier.
Unless otherwise stated at the the following webpage [
ght.htm ], the License for data is Creative Commons (CC-BY/3.0/au ). Most owners provide data under a Creative Commons Attribution License. ("Attribution" means that information can be used with acknowledgement).
Before using data, please refer to Copyright for the license preferences of the supplying organisation(s) and contact data owners as appropriate.
Data Owners licence details are here:
We request attribution as © Commonwealth of Australia (Bureau of Meteorology)
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Data Information
Data Distribution Information
Distribution Format:
Name: Text
Version: 1
Transfer Options:
DownloadableData : WDO -SOS- GetObservation: example request using the FeatureOfInterest (FOI) and a timeseries identifier {procedure} and a timespan {temporalFilter}.
The response returns data from that timeseries (identified by the {procedure} Pat2_C_B_1 : which is merged provisional and validated data for Rainfall), measured at station 41001701 (Numeralla @ Chakola), for the timeperiod 2012-01-01 to 2012-02-01 [,2012-01-01T00:00:00Z/2012-02-01T00:00:00Z]
, Function: download
Guide to WDO SOS service []
, Function: information
Point of truth URL of this metadata record []
(www link)
, Function: information
Data Quality
Level: dataset
Statement: The service provides access to a range of time series types that have undergone different levels of quality control. Some contain unvalidated (provisional) data, others contain validated data, while others contain merged provisional and validated data.
The Bureau is not responsible for quality checking the data, in most cases the time series contain the same data that has been received from the data provider. Data providers may have performed some quality assurance, which may include:
• removal of spikes and other discrepancies in observation values
• filling gaps between observations
• adjustment of values post calibration of instruments
• assignment of a quality code
Reference System
Code: WGS 1984
Metadata Constraints
Metadata Legal Constraints:
Use Constraints: copyright; otherRestrictions
Other Constraints:
- Metadata constraints: The authoritative (Point of truth) full version of this metadata record is under copyright, and available from [ ]. Licence details about harvesting and derivative versions of the metadata are included there.
- Metadata Licence details: The authoritative metadata record may be copied, harvested and/or re-presented, provided* that, in relation to the metadata record available from the "Point of truth URL of this metadata record" : a) the "Key content" listed below is retained, visible, and unaltered, and b) the interpretation of any newly assigned field-labelling (for that content) is consistent with the original, such that content interpretation will be correct (*except where permission is given by the Bureau of Meteorology to do otherwise). Key Content: Distribution/TransferOptions section's content; MetadataConstraints section's content; the ResourceConstraints section's content, and the Citation/CitedResponsibleParty section.
Metadata Maintenance
Maintenance And Update Frequency: asNeeded
Maintenance Note: 2017-08: DRAFT services metadata created
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Metadata Information
Metadata Identifier: ANZCW0503900528
Language: eng
Character Set: utf8
Metadata Contact:
Point Of Contact: Water Data Online SOS Services Project Manager, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Date Metadata Revised: 2023-05-18T06:26:12
Metadata Standard:
ISO 19115:2003/19139
(ver. 1.0)