Data Summary
Title: Common Alerting Protocol : Australian Profile v.3 ( CAP-AU-STD )
Status: completed
Data Details
CAP-AU-STD is an Australian standard for the encoding of messages for emergencies and hazards, and related warnings, alerts, and alert/warning cancellations.
CAP-AU-STD is a Profile of the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), which is an open data standard that is developed and maintained by OASIS, a USA-based open standards organisation.
CAP is an international standard that facilitates the construction and exchange of all-hazard emergency alert and warning messages between various alerting technologies, systems and networks. CAP enables a single warning message to be prepared for dissemination simultaneously over a wide variety of warning systems that understand and can process CAP-formatted messages.
The standardised alerts produced using CAP can be exploited by a wide range of software applications and technology devices, each capable of processing the message and responding accordingly. Examples of the kinds of sensor and alerting technologies that can interoperate using CAP messages are data networks, landline and mobile phones, internet, fax, pagers, sirens, billboards and electronic road signs.
Early versions of CAP have been in use since 2009 in the various Australian jurisdictions and Commonwealth agencies that are responsible for distributing emergency warning messages to the Australian community. These existing implementations were used as the baseline to develop the common national approach that is now introduced in this CAP-AU standard.
Supplementary Information:
For further information (incuding contact details) about the CAP-AU standard, see:
- Standard - data encoding for emergencies, hazards, warnings, alerts
- emergency services related
- hazards and warnings-encoding
- alerts -related
- ResourceType_Publication_Standards
Citation Details
Title: Common Alerting Protocol : Australian Profile v.3 ( CAP-AU-STD )
Alternative Title:
CAP-AU Profile of CAP
Resource Date:
Party To Be Cited:
Organisation: Attorney-General’s Department, Commonwealth of Australia
Role: author
Point Of Contact For Dataset
Presentation Form: documentDigital
ISBN: 978-1-921725-71-5
ISBN: 1839-1621
Dataset Constraints
Dataset Legal Constraints:
Use Constraints: copyright; otherRestrictions
Other Constraints:
Intellectual Property Statement / Copyright Notice - Use of the CAP-AU-STD documents shall be in accordance with the Intellectual Property Statements and Copyright Notices detailed within each CAP-AU-STD document downloaded from this collection.
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Data Information
Data Distribution Information
Distribution Format:
Name: PDF
Version: 1
Transfer Options:
"CAP-AU-STD version 3.0 : Australian Government Standard for the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP-AU-STD)" []
, Function: download
"Attachment A to CAP-AU-STD : Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) v 1.2 Australia (AU) Profile (EDXL-CAP1.2-AU-v1.0-CS02)" []
, Function:
"Attachment B to CAP-AU-STD : Australian All-Hazards EVENT CODE LIST (AUeventLIST)" []
, Function: download
"Attachment C to CAP-AU-STD : XML Schema Definition for CAP-AU (XSD CAP-AU)" (CAP-AU v3.0 : Schema v3.1 (XSD), as PDF file) []
, Function: download
CAP-AU v3.0 : Schema v3.1 (also called v1.1) (XSD), as xml file []
Point of truth URL of the authoritative version of this metadata record []
(www link)
, Function: information
Metadata Constraints
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Metadata Information
Metadata Identifier: ANZCW0503900539
Language: eng
Character Set: utf8
Metadata Contact:
Point Of Contact: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Date Metadata Revised: 2018-07-17T09:11:56
Metadata Standard:
ISO 19115:2003/Cor.1:2006, ISO/TS 19139:2007; Geographic information - Metadata
(ver. 1.1)