Data Summary
Title: Heatwave Assessment and Forecast
Start Time: now
End Time: now
Geographical Extent (deg):
West: 112.9211
East: 153.6408
South: -43.6585
North: -9.2239
Data Details
The Bureau of Meteorology defines a heatwave as three or more days in a row when both daytime and night-time temperatures are unusually high—in relation to the local long-term climate and the recent past. There is no single temperature threshold for a heatwave in Australia. For each part of the country, the Bureau compares the forecast maximum and minimum temperatures for each three-day period in the coming week (e.g. Monday–Wednesday, Tuesday–Thursday) to the 'normal' temperatures expected for that location at that time of year, and to observed temperatures over the last 30 days.
Heatwaves are classified into three types, based on intensity. Comparing forecast temperatures to the last 30 days of temperatures allows the Bureau to gauge the size of the temperature change, physical and behavioural preparedness for such heat, and how challenging it could be for people and infrastructure:
1. Low-intensity heatwaves are the most common—most people are able to cope with this level of heat.
2. Severe heatwaves are less frequent and are challenging for vulnerable people such as the elderly—particularly those with pre-existing medical conditions.
3. Extreme heatwaves are the rarest kind. They affect the reliability of infrastructure, like power and transport, and are dangerous for anyone who does not take precautions to keep cool—even those who are healthy. People who work or exercise outdoors are particularly at risk.
The heatwave product includes two heatwave assessment (last two three-day periods) and five heatwave forecasts (three-day periods) starting on each of the next five days.
Caution. The maps provided by the Heatwave Forecast will show a reduced severity level or remove the indication of heatwave before the heatwave actually ends. This occurs because the maps are calculated across today, tomorrow and the next day. If the temperature is lower on the last day(s) then the map will indicate a lower risk despite unusually hot conditions being present for the first day or two. The Heatwave Assessment will show how heatwaves are finishing due to the combination of recent days with the current forecast days.
Supplementary Information:
See for more details and
Research paper:
WMS / WFS - for registered users only (cost-recovered service) WMSSUB$ [WFSSUB$ .
Product ID: IDY10012
To show heatwave severity for the previous two three-day periods, and the next five three-day periods.
Australian Bureau of Meteorology programs)
- Warnings and Weather Forecasts
(Type: theme; Thesaurus:
GCMD Science Keywords)
- EARTH SCIENCE | Environmental Advisories | Weather/Climate Advisories | Heat Advisory
- EARTH SCIENCE | Human Dimensions | Natural Hazards | Heat
- EARTH SCIENCE | Atmosphere | Weather Events | Heat Wave
- DataParam : Heatwave severity
- DataType: Grid map
- DataType2: Forecast/Warning
- DataType2: Derived from Observations
- WMSreg$
- WFSreg$
Citation Details
Title: Heatwave Assessment and Forecast
Resource Date:
Identifier Authority Title: ANZLIC Identifiers
Identifier Authority Date:
Party To Be Cited:
Organisation: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Role: originator
Point Of Contact For Dataset
Custodian: Manager, Geospatial Data Unit, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Owner: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Point Of Contact: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Data Extent
Geographical Extent (deg):
West Bound Longitude: 112.9211
East Bound Longitude: 153.6408
South Bound Latitude: -43.6585
North Bound Latitude: -9.2239
Temporal Extent:
Start Time: now
End Time: now
Description: Data covers the past 4 days and next 7 days, as two 3-day assessments (past days), and five 3-day forecasts
Dataset Constraints
Dataset Legal Constraints:
Access Constraints: otherRestrictions
Use Constraints: copyright; otherRestrictions
Other Constraints:
The licence for data access (including WMS and WFS) available to registered users varies with each subscription type, but will be similar to the "Sample Access Agreement" at [ ] and will also contain WMS-related special conditions [see ]
WMS / WFS Access is only available to registered users. (Registration /Subscriptions information available from ).
NB: The licence for the png images on the Bureau webpage are the Bureau's "Default Terms of Use", available from [ ].
Please read the terms of use, for full details.
DISCLAIMER: Please refer to [ ] for disclaimer details.
ATTRIBUTION: We request that attribution is "Australian Bureau of Meteorology (date) Title { } ; [object type, such as shapefile / WMS] downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download]
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Data Information
Data Distribution Information
WMS / WFS is available (for registered users only; cost-recovered service), via Registration [see ]. []
, Function: download
Point of truth metadata URL - url of the authoritative version of this metadata record []
(www link)
, Function: information
DownloadableData : Index webpage of the 7 png grids (Australia-wide): Two 3-day assessment grids and five 3-day forecast grids []
, Function: download
Data Quality
Level: dataset
Statement: Lineage for the WMS:
Input grids (forecast maximum and minimum temperature; past 33 day maximum and temperature, 95th percentile of daily temperature for 1971-2000, 85th percentile of Excess Heat Factor and Excess Bias Correction) generate an output grid of twenty values.
The grid is classified into a heatwave index between zero and three. A filter removes isolated cells or noise. The grid is converted to a vector and simplified using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. The vector file is loaded into Postgres/PostGIS database. Some smoothing is done for the map output and Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS). Also the WMS has scale dependent rendering.
Lineage for the publicly available png grids:
PNG grids were created using the WMS as input.
Reference System
Code: GDA 94
Code Space: Geocentric Datum of Australia
Identifier Authority:
Identifier Authority Title: EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset
Identifier Authority Date:
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Metadata Information
Metadata Identifier: ANZCW0503900601
Hierarchy Level: dataset