Data Summary
Title: BARRA 12km resolution over Australia, New-Zealand and the maritime continent ( Bureau of Meteorology atmospheric high-resolution Regional Reanalysis for Australia) ( 1990 - Feb. 2019 )
Status: completed
Start Time: 1990-01-01T00:00:00
End Time: 2019-02-28T23:59:00
Geographical Extent (deg):
West: 65.055
East: 196.94500732
South: -64.9445
North: 19.425
Data Details
The Bureau of Meteorology Atmospheric high-resolution Regional Reanalysis for Australia (BARRA) is a high-resolution multi-decadal atmospheric reanalysis.
The reanalysis provides information about surface conditions (such as temperature, precipitation, wind speed and direction, humidity, evaporation and soil moisture), information at pressure and model levels, and information on solar radiation and cloud cover.
The reanalysis suite is based on the Australian Community Climate Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS) and extends 70 levels (up to 80 km) into the atmosphere. It is nested within the required boundary and/or initial conditions provided by ERA-Interim reanalysis, Operational SST and Sea Ice Analysis, and the Bureau offline soil moisture reanalysis. The region covered by the reanalysis is the Australian continent, and the surrounding region including parts of southeast Asia, New Zealand, and south to the ice edge of the Antarctic continent.
About 100 parameters are available at hourly time steps at approximately 12-km resolution, in this dataset.
For a small number of subdomains (South-West W.A., S.A., Eastern N.S.W., and Tasmania), ), dynamically downscaled analyses at a 1.5-km resolution are available separately.
Supplementary Information:
Released BARRA data are available on NCI for researchers.
Follow instructions on to get access.
Data is organized as individual files for each variable and each model forecast and analysis cycle.
Background paper on BARRA-R :
Su, C.-H., Eizenberg, N., Steinle, P., Jakob, D., Fox-Hughes, P., White, C. J., Rennie, S., Franklin, C., Dharssi, I., and Zhu, H.: BARRA v1.0: the Bureau of Meteorology Atmospheric high-resolution Regional Reanalysis for Australia, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 2049-2068,, 2019."
Background paper on BARRA :
Jakob, D., Su, C.-H., Eizenberg, N., Kociuba, G., Steinle, P., Fox-Hughes, P., & Bettio, L. (2017), An atmospheric high-resolution regional reanalysis for Australia, Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, 30(3), 16-23.
( ).
A list of all Data Parameters (in an Excel file), and links to sample data, are available from: . That sample data is provided for demonstration purposes only.
The full BARRA product will span over 25 years in time consisting of consecutive 6 hour forecast and analysis cycles.
The sample dataset (see ) contains the full set of parameters for both the 12-km resolution over the Australian continent (BARRA-R) and the 1.5-km high-resolution over the Tasmania domain (BARRA-TA), for a 24 hour period or 4 cycles in time. The sample data day available is 20150207T0000Z split over four cycles each containing 6 hours' worth of data. While a very short fraction of the full time-span of the BARRA product, the sample dataset demonstrates the breadth of parameters available from this reanalysis.
Data is distributed solely from NCI ( NCI Node /g/data/ma05 ). See Distribution section of this record.
To provide a multi-decadal, consistent, high-resolution model dataset over the Australia and New Zealand domain that is constrained by all available observations. The data are purposed to become meteorological and climatalogical standards for research in natural hazards, meteorology, climate, energy, etc
GCMD Science Keywords)
- EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES | Models | e1f20631-b5b9-438c-b5c2-b1fa0fce100a
- EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES | Reanalyses/Assimilation Models | b8615aad-d2eb-45a3-98a7-4adac5bdf5a5
(Type: theme; Thesaurus:
ANZLIC Theme Search words)
Australian Bureau of Meteorology product categories)
- Reanalysis / Assimilation Model output
- Data Assimilation
- DataType: grid
- DataType: model hindcast
- ACCESS / Unified Model ( UM )
- DataParam: precipitation
- DataParam: temperature
- DataParam: wind - zonal 10m wind velocity
- DataParam: wind - meridional 10m wind velocity
- DataParam: humidity
- DataParam: evaporation
- DataParam: soil moisture
- DataParam: solar radiation
- DataParam: cloud - total cloud cover
- DataParam: Pressure
- DataParam: Lightning flashes
- DataParam: Dewpoint
- DataParam: Snow amount
- DataParam: Rain amount
- DataParam: Visibility
- DataParam: Soil temperature
- DataParam: Solar radiation -shortwave - flux
- DataParam: Solar radiation -longwave - flux
- DataParam: Soil Moisture Flux
- DataParam: Heat Flux - Surface
- DataParam: Boundary layer depth - ocean
- DataParam: Sea Ice
- DataParam: Fog fraction
- DataParam: Evaporation from open sea
(Type: place)
- Australasia
- New Zealand
- Southern Ocean
- , Southeast Asia
Citation Details
Title: BARRA 12km resolution over Australia, New-Zealand and the maritime continent ( Bureau of Meteorology atmospheric high-resolution Regional Reanalysis for Australia) ( 1990 - Feb. 2019 )
Alternative Title:
Atmospheric high-resolution Regional Reanalysis for Australia ( BARRA ) Australia domain { DRAFT STOPGAP METADATA }
Resource Date:
Resource Date:
Identifier Authority Title: ANZLIC Identifiers
Identifier Authority Date:
Party To Be Cited:
Organisation: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Role: originator
Credit: The reanalysis work has been done in conjunction with emergency service agencies and research institutions. These include: University of Tasmania and Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, NSW Rural Fire Service, Western Australian Department of Fire and Emergency Services, South Australian Country Fire Service and the Government of South Australia Department for Environment and Water.Funding to undertake this work for Tasmania is supported by the Tasmanian Government and Australian Government, provided under the Tasmanian Bushfire Mitigation Grants Program. We acknowledge our close collaboration with the UK Met Office and National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA, New Zealand). The project was undertaken with the assistance of resources and services from the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), which is supported by the Australian Government.
Point Of Contact For Dataset
Custodian: Climate Services, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
61 3 9669 4000
, Function:
Owner: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Point Of Contact: Dr Chun-Hsu Su, BARRA Team Leader, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
61 3 9616 8536
Point Of Contact: Dr Peter Steinle, Data Assimilation Team Leader, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
61 3 9669 4848
Data Extent
Geographical Extent (deg):
West Bound Longitude: 65.055
East Bound Longitude: 196.94500732
South Bound Latitude: -64.9445
North Bound Latitude: 19.425
Temporal Extent:
Start Time: 1990-01-01T00:00:00
End Time: 2019-02-28T23:59:00
Dataset Constraints
Dataset Legal Constraints:
Access Constraints: license; otherRestrictions
Use Constraints: copyright; otherRestrictions
Other Constraints:
Access is constrained to registered users. Data is available for academic use, at no charge. Refer to the BARRA webpage [ ], or contact the Bureau ( for licencing and usage policy, and requesting access.
Commercial use : BARRA data can now be requested for commercial use. For details, please contact
We request attribution as : Australian Bureau of Meteorology (2019), "BARRA 12km over Australia, New-Zealand and the maritime continent ( Bureau of Meteorology Atmospheric high-resolution Regional Reanalysis for Australia) ( 1990 - Feb.2019 ) ". ; Downloaded from {url} on [date].
Please refer to [ ], for disclaimer details
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Data Information
Data Distribution Information
Paper: "BARRA v1.0:
The Bureau of Meteorology Atmospheric high-resolution Regional Reanalysis for Australia", Geosci.Model Dev., 12, 2049-2068,, 2019. []
(www link)
, Function: information
Paper: Jakob, D., Su, C.-H., Eizenberg, N., Kociuba, G., Steinle, P., Fox-Hughes, P., & Bettio, L. (2017), An atmospheric high-resolution regional reanalysis for Australia, Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, 30(3), 16-23. []
, Function: information
Access to data (1990-Feb 2019 ) is currently limited to academic use (no fee, but registration required) (and is from BOM's store at NCI ). For access: please follow instructions on or contact the Bureau ( ). []
, Function: information
BARRA webpage, list of all Data Parameters (in an Excel file), and links to sample data [ ] []
, Function: information
BARRA sample dataset ftp download [ ] []
, Function: download
Point of truth metadata URL, for the Bureau's authoritative metadata for this dataset []
, Function: information
Data Quality
Level: dataset
Statement: Data files are CF 1.6-compliant and have a md5 checksum for the main variables stored as attribute in the files
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Metadata Information
Metadata Identifier: ANZCW0503900732
Hierarchy Level: dataset