Coastal Waters Forecast for New South Wales

Adjustments to New South Wales coastal waters zones

As of 1 September 2010, New South Wales will have some newly named coastal waters zones. These changes have been developed in conjunction with marine stakeholder groups.

The current South Coast zone which covers Gabo Island to Ulladulla will be split into two zones at Montague Island. The new zones are named Batemans and Eden. The current Mid North Coast zone which covers Seal Rocks to Wooli will be split into two zones at Smoky Cape. The new zones are named Coffs and Macquarie. The current Far North Coast zone will be renamed "Byron coast".

This new division will provide mariners with more detailed coastal waters forecast information between Gabo Island and Ulladulla, and between Seal Rocks and Wooli.

The eight New South Wales coastal waters zones are summarised as follows:

Map of new coastal waters zones for NSW

Map of new coastal waters forecast zones from 1 September 2010