View the current warnings for Queensland
- 26 °C
- Lowest 26 °C 2:30 am
- Highest 28.4 °C 12:58 pm
- 2.8 mm of rain since 9 am
Latest weather at 2:30am
82% Humidity ESE Wind Direction 1012.3 Pressure (hPa) 33 km/h
18 knotsWind Speed 43 km/h
23 knotsHighest Gust (12:29am)
Weather station
Approx. 1.8 km away
ID: 94368
Forecast issued at 4:10 pm AEST on Thursday 5 December 2024.
- Rest of Friday
- Forecast Icon
- Min
- 25 °C
- Max
- 29 °C
- Precis
- Mostly sunny.
When will it rain?
Time | Possible rainfall | Chance of any rain |
1:00 am - 4:00 am | 0 mm | 10% |
4:00 am - 7:00 am | 0 mm | 10% |
7:00 am - 10:00 am | 0 mm | 5% |
10:00 am - 1:00 pm | 0 mm | 5% |
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm | 0 mm | 5% |
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm | 0 mm | 5% |
- Sat 7 Dec
- Forecast Icon
- Min
- 25 °C
- Max
- 29 °C
- Precis
- Mostly sunny.
- Possible rainfall:
- 0 to 1 mm
- Chance of any rain:
- 30%
- Sun 8 Dec
- Forecast Icon
- Min
- 25 °C
- Max
- 30 °C
- Precis
- Sunny.
- Possible rainfall:
- 0 mm
- Chance of any rain:
- 10%
- Mon 9 Dec
- Forecast Icon
- Min
- 25 °C
- Max
- 30 °C
- Precis
- Mostly sunny.
- Possible rainfall:
- 0 mm
- Chance of any rain:
- 5%
- Tue 10 Dec
- Forecast Icon
- Min
- 25 °C
- Max
- 30 °C
- Precis
- Mostly sunny.
- Possible rainfall:
- 0 mm
- Chance of any rain:
- 10%
- Wed 11 Dec
- Forecast Icon
- Min
- 25 °C
- Max
- 30 °C
- Precis
- Mostly sunny.
- Possible rainfall:
- 0 to 1 mm
- Chance of any rain:
- 30%
- Thu 12 Dec
- Forecast Icon
- Min
- 26 °C
- Max
- 30 °C
- Precis
- Shower or two.
- Possible rainfall:
- 0 to 10 mm
- Chance of any rain:
- 60%