Flood Warning Summary


Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology

Flood Summary

Issued at 11:32 am EST on Friday 14 February 2025.

The following Watches/Warnings are current:

Flood Watch for parts of the Western Cape York Peninsula

Major Flood Warning for the Flinders Rivers

Major Flood Warning for the Herbert River

Moderate Flood Warning for the Thomson River and Minor Flood Warning for the Barcoo River

Minor Flood Warning for the Albert River

Minor Flood Warning for the Upper Burdekin, Lower Burdekin and Suttor Rivers and Final Flood warning for the Cape River

Flood Warning for the Diamantina River

Flood Warning for the Norman and Gilbert Rivers

Final Flood Warning for the Isaac River

Final Flood Warning for the Ross River

Final Flood Warning for the Tully

Additional Information:


Warnings and River Height Bulletins are available at www.bom.gov.au/qld/flood

Flood Warnings are also available on telephone 1300 659 219 at a low call cost of 27.5 cents, more from mobile, public and satellite phones.