
Workshop Program

Updated 25 September 2024

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Day 1: Monday September 9th

All times in AEDT (UTC +10)

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09:00 Welcome and housekeeping Mike Bush, Charmaine Franklin, Dave McQueen
09:05 Acknowledgement of country Roland Wilson
Bureau of Meteorology
09:15 Introduction Gilbert Brunet
Bureau of Meteorology

Session 1 - Convective-scale modelling challenges and opportunities (Chair: Mike Bush) recording

09:30 Challenges in convection permitting modellingrecording Humphrey Lean
Met Office
09:45 Modelling challenges in understanding weather changerecording Christian Jakob
Monash University
10:00 Convective-scale modelling opportunities for the Bureaurecording Charmaine Franklin
Bureau of Meteorology
10:15 Operational use and needs of Australian convective scale models in severe weatherrecording Dean Sgarbossa
Bureau of Meteorology
Break (10:30 – 11:00)

Session 2 - RAL3 LFRic (Chair: Dave Lee) recording recording

11:00 Introduction to RAL3-LFRicrecording Mike Bush
Met Office
11:15 Development of the LFRic regional, convective-scale model Christine Johnson
Met Office
11:30 Maritime Continent LFRic modelling and CCRS’s transition to next-generation NWPrecording Kalli Furtado
11:45 LFRic vs. New Zealand - finding the limits of LFRicrecording Stuart Moore
12:00 RAL3 LFRic simulations in tropical domainsrecording Richard Jones
Met Office
12:15 Discussion
Lunch (12:30 – 13:30)

Session 3 - Machine Learning for simulation (Chair: Christian Stassen) recording

13:30 Regional data-driven weather forecasting with a global stretched-grid approachrecording Thomas Nipen
Norwegian Met Institute
13:45 Generative machine learning emulation of precipitation (and more?) from a km-scale regional climate modelrecording Henry Addison
Bristol University
14:00 ML forecasting at the Met Officerecording Ben Fitzpatrick
Met Office
14:15 CARAMEL: Cloud-Resolving Model Machine Learningrecording Cyril Morcrette
Met Office

Session 4 - HPC Presentations (Chair: Susan Rennie) recording

14:30 Future Technologies and NWPrecording Ed Habjan
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
14:52 Open Emerging Technology Standardsrecording Peter Kerney
15:15 ACCESS-NRI support of high-resolution modelling in non-operational settingsrecording Chermelle Engel
Break (15:30 – 17:00)

Session 5 - Celebration of the Partnership (Chair: Arathy Menon) recording recording

17:00 Building Momentum: the early years of the UM Partnership George Pankiewicz
Met Office
17:15 A brief review of development and application of atmosphere/ocean models at the Bureau of Meteorology and the rationale for development of ACCESSrecording Kamal Puri
retired, Bureau of Meteorology
17:30 Advancing convective-scale predictions through collaborationrecording Huw Lewis
Met Office
Icebreaker and in-person poster session (18:00 – 19:30)
Day 1 Close (19:30)

Day 2: Tuesday September 10th

All times in AEDT (UTC +10)

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Session 6 - Convective scale verification and METplus (Chair: Jorge Bornemann) recording

09:00 Recent developments in the METplus verification tool suiterecording Molly Smith
09:15 Verification of Bureau's Convective Scale Models Using METplusrecording Mohammadreza Khanarmuei
Bureau of Meteorology
09:30 ACCESS-AE: a national, km-scale numerical weather prediction ensemblerecording Shaun Cooper
Bureau of Meteorology
09:45 Evaluation of IMPROVER at SAWSrecording Stephanie Landman
10:00 Using the multivariate feature-based diagnostic capability in METplus to identify the predictable large-scale synoptic drivers for flood-producing rainsrecording Marion Mittermaier
Met Office
10:15 Discussion
Break (10:30 – 11:00)

Session 7 - CSET and LFRic model evaluation (Chair: Vinod Kumar) recording

11:00 CSET science overviewrecording Sylvia Bohnenstengel
Met Office
11:15 CSET technical overviewrecording James Frost
Met Office
11:30 Integrating MET/METPlus in CSETrecording Jorge Bornemann
11:45 Progress Update on RAL3-LFRicrecording Anke Finnenkoetter
Met Office
12:00 Quantifying lateral boundary spin-up in regional models using an age of air diagnosticrecording James Warner
Met Office
12:15 Discussion
Lunch (12:30 – 13:30)

Session 8 - Urban scale modelling (Chair: Anke Finnenkoetter) recording

13:30 Modelling of extreme rainfall in Singapore using 100m uSINGVrecording Song Chen
13:45 Assessing sub-kilometre models for a heatwave event over Parisrecording Vinod Kumar
Bureau of Meteorology
14:00 Impact of urban morphology and high-resolution land use land cover for city scale modellingrecording Anurose Theethai Jacob
14:15 Urban-scale Ensemble Simulations and the Paris 2024 Olympics Research Demonstration Projectrecording Lewis Blunn
Met Office
14:30 Evaluation of a mixed-layer height detection algorithm using two case study days from the urbisphere-Berlin campaignrecording Russel Glazer
Reading University
14:45 Discussion
Break (15:00 – 15:30)

Session 9 - Regional coupled modelling (Chair: Stefan Zieger) recording

15:30 Progress in CCRSs Regional Coupled Model for Weather and Climaterecording Rajesh Kumar
15:45 Towards a regional coupled ocean-atmosphere system using the regional coupled suitrecording Frank Colberg
Bureau of Meteorology
16:00 Indian Monsoon 2023 & 2024 in partially coupled regional suite (ATM-KPP)recording Akhilesh Kumar Mishra
16:15 ACCESS-Fire: Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Modellingrecording Harvey Ye
Bureau of Meteorology
16:30 Advancing regional Environmental Prediction over Northwest Europe and tropical domainsrecording Segolene Berthou
Met Office
16:45 Discussion
Day 2 Close (17:00)

Day 3: Wednesday September 11th

All times in AEDT (UTC +10)

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Session 10 - Convective scale DA (Chair: Andy Smith) recording

09:00 Upcoming changes to the UK data assimilation systemrecording Gareth Dow
Met Office
09:15 New challenges in Australia-wide convective-scale data assimilationrecording Susan Rennie
Bureau of Meteorology
09:30 A data assimilation-centred convective-scale ensemble for Singapore and its background error statisticsrecording Rachel Koh
09:45 Data Assimilation in NIWA’s Workflowsrecording Phil Andrews
10:00 On multiscale error covariance localisation for the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) and the challenge of assimilating observations of convective clouds and rainfallrecording Craig Bishop
University of Melbourne
10:15 Discussion
Break (10:30 – 11:00)

Session 11 - Regional km-scale climate modelling (Chair: Chun-Hsu Su) recording

11:00 Future directions for km-scale climate modelling at the Met Officerecording Chris Short
Met Office
11:15 BARPA-C - Convective-Scale Regional Climate Modelling in Australiarecording Emma Howard
Bureau of Meteorology
11:30 High-resolution AR6-based climate projections for the Southeast Asia / Maritime Continent regionrecording Xin Rong
11:45 Challenges with high-resolution regional earth system modelling on a stretched gridrecording Marcus Thatcher
12:00 Future climate projections of severe convective wind events from a convection-permitting regional climate model (BARPA)recording Andrew Brown
University of Melbourne
12:15 Discussion
Lunch (12:30 – 13:30)

Session 12 - Convection processes (Chair: Kalli Furtado) recording

13:30 Adapting the CoMorph convection scheme for high resolution modellingrecording Sally Lavender
University of Southern Queensland
13:45 Evaluation of CASIM microphysics using DSD bulk parameters and its improvement for monsoon weather extremesrecording Jayakumar
14:00 Improved dynamics of deep–convective storms influences forcing of tropical circulationrecording Ben Maybee
University of Leeds
14:15 High resolution aerosol-cloud modelling over the Southern Ocean and Antarcticrecording Sonya Fiddes
University of Tasmania
14:30 Joint modulation of coastal rainfall in Northeast Australia by local and large-scale forcings: Observations versus AUS2200 simulationsrecording Thi Lan Dao
University of Melbourne
14:45 Discussion
Break (15:00 – 15:30)

Session 13 - Near-surface processes (Chair: Stuart Moore) recording

15:30 The role of sea-surface temperatures in a June 2016 east coast heavy rain event: insights from AUS2200 simulationsrecording Chris Chambers
University of Melbourne
15:45 Plans for irrigation development in JULES based on future requirementsrecording Heather Rumbold
Met Office
16:00 Sensitivity of heavy rainfall simulations to mountain heights: a windward case of the Southern Alpsrecording Ed Yang
16:15 Update to the Random Parameter scheme for RAL3recording Anne McCabe
Met Office
16:30 ACCESS-AE: testing updates to the Random Parameter scheme over Australiarecording Belinda Roux
Bureau of Meteorology
16:45 Discussion
Day 3 Close (17:00)

Day 4: Thursday September 12th

All times in AEDT (UTC +10)

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Session 14 - Services Day: Convective-scale products and services (Chair: Rob Warren) recording

09:00 Development of Novel Methods for Predicting Convective Hazardsrecording David Flack
Met Office
09:15 Integrating convection information into products and servicesrecording Caroline Bain
Met Office
09:30 Harnessing ACCESS-City Ensemble for Operational Hazard Preparedness: A Case Study of Two Destructive Wind Events in Tasmaniarecording Alex Melitsis
Bureau of Meteorology
09:45 Spark: what is it, and how does it use Bureau weather data - a real world applicationrecording Chantelle O'Brien
10:00 Discussion
Break (10:30 – 11:00)

Session 15 - Services Day: User needs (Chair: Dave McQueen) recording

11:00 Weathering Uncertainty: Operational Forecasting Innovations for Australia's Energy Transitionrecording Andrew Akman
11:15 Strengthening Singapore’s Resilience to Weather and Climate Change: The Climate Science Research Master Plan (CSRMP)recording Dale Barker
11:30 Hazard Weather Information Service (HWIS): An ICAO initiative to achieve global phenomenon-based warnings for en-route hazardous meteorological conditionsrecording Ashwin Naidu
Bureau of Meteorology
11:45 Operation of Large-Scale Energy Storages Under Imperfect Foresightrecording Josh Boegheim
12:00 Discussion
Lunch (12:30 – 13:30)

Session 16 - Services Day: Machine Learning to improve convective-scale model output for decision making (Chair: Julia Cantarano) recording

13:30 Nowcasting hail and convective initiation using deep learningrecording Amy McGovern
University of Oklahoma
14:00 Very Short-Term Rainfall Forecast Using Memory-Efficient Bidirectional Transformersrecording Hyesook Lee
14:15 Convective-scale models in Improverrecording Belinda Trotta
Bureau of Meteorology
14:30 Weather Machine Learning Platform (WxMLP) for Weather Applications at Scalerecording Brianna Maze
NextGen Federal Systems
14:45 Discussion
Break (15:00 – 15:30)

Session 17 - RAL3-UM operationalisation (Chair: Belinda Roux) recording

15:30 RAL3 Implementation at the Bureaurecording Charmaine Franklin
Bureau of Meteorology
15:40 Testing, development and operationalization of RAL3 at CCRSrecording Kalli Furtado
15:50 Towards RAL3 operationalisation at the Met Officerecording Gareth Dow
Met Office
16:00 Status of RAL3 related activities at NCMRWFrecording Saji Mohandas
16:10 Implementing RAL3 in NZ - performance and plansrecording Stuart Moore
16:20 Discussion and workshop closing Mike Bush, Charmaine Franklin, Dave McQueen, Bertrand Timbal
Day 4 Close (17:00)
Workshop Dinner

Day 5: Friday September 13th

All times in AEDT (UTC +10)

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CSET tutorial

09:00 Half Day tutorial on CSET James Frost
Met Office
Day 5 Close (12:00)

The 2024 Annual R&D Workshop is hosted by the Bureau of Meteorology with generous support from the following sponsors: