South East Coast (Victoria)
December 2022 Summary
Rainfall was average across 76 per cent of the area, mainly in the centre and west. Total rainfall was 54 mm, which is also the lonmg-term mean for December.
Streamflows were very much above average for 54 per cent of the sites, mainly in the east and west. At three sites streamflows were second highest for December since 1980.
Median streamflow salinity (electrical conductivity) varied between sites from 81 to 4 448 μS/cm. Streamflows were high quality for 25 per cent of the sites and brackish for 38 per cent of the sites. Dundas River at Cavendish had the highest salinity of all sites.
During December, storage volumes increased in one system, decreased in two and remained stable in two. By the end of the month, the volume of water stored was 68 per cent of the total accessible capacity, which is 17 percentage points higher than the previous year.
Rainfall statistics
Rainfall decile group | Percentage of area |
Highest on record since 1900 | 0% |
Very much above average | 1% |
Above average | 16% |
Average | 76% |
Below average | 7% |
Very much below average | 0% |
Lowest on record since 1900 | 0% |
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