The following is a comprehensive list of references used in the National Water Account. These references are applicable for all accounting regions.
Summary of references:

- General
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NT)
- Department of Natural Resources and Mines (Qld)
- Department of Water and Environmental Resources (WA)
- Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (ACT)
- Natural Resources Management Board (SA)
- New South Wales Office of Water
- Water Acts

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016, Census of Population and Housing, Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Barber K, Rumley H 2003, Gunanurang: (Kununurra) big river: Aboriginal cultural values of the Ord River and wetlands, a study and report prepared for the Water and Rivers Commission, Perth.
Choy DL, Wadsworth J, Burns D 2011, Identifying and incorporating Indigenous landscape values into regional planning processes, viewed 4 September 2020,
Constable J, Love K, 2015, Aboriginal water values Clarence-Moreton bioregion (Qld), a report for the Bioregional Assessment Programme, viewed 4 September 2020,
Cooper D, Jackson S 2008, Preliminary study on Indigenous water values and interests in the Katherine region of the Northern Territory, a report prepared for NAILSMA's Indigenous Water Policy Group, CSIRO, Canberra.
Davidson, WA and Yu, X 2008, Perth regional aquifer modelling system (PRAMS) model development: Hydrogeology and groundwater modelling, Western Australia Department of Water, Hydrogeological Record series HG 20, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources 2016, Sustainable Rural Water Use and Infrastructure Program, Australian Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of the Environment 2016, Australian Ramsar wetlands, Australian Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation (South Australia) 2009, Groundwater flow mapping across the Mount Lofty Ranges, technical note 2009/26, prepared by S Stewart, E Banks, and T Wilson, viewed 4 September 2020,
Doble R, Crosbie R, Peeters L, Joehnk K, Ticehurst C 2014, Modelling overbank flood discharge at a continental scale, Hydrology Earth System Science, 18: 1273-1288.
Dutta D, Vaze J, Kim S, Hughes J, Yang A, Teng J, Lerat J 2017, Development and application of a large scale river system model for National water Accounting in Australia, Journal of Hydrology, 547: 124-142.
Dutta D, Kim S, Hughes J, Vaze J, Yang A 2015, AWRA-R v5.0: Technical Report, CSIRO Land and Water, Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Dutta D, Teng J, Vaze J, Lerat J, Hughes J, Marvanek S 2013, Storage-based approaches to build floodplain inundation modelling capability in river system models for water resources planning and accounting, Journal of Hydrology, 504: 12–28.
Environment Australia 2001, A Directory of important wetlands in Australia, Third Edition, Canberra, viewed 4 September 2020,
Jabree Ltd 2013, Desktop cultural heritage assessment Gold Coast cultural precinct, prepared for the Council of the City of Gold Coast, viewed 4 September 2020,
Jones DA, Wang W, Fawcett R 2009, Climate data for the Australian Water Availability Project: final milestone report, National Climate Centre, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne. Langton M 2006, Earth, wind, fire, water: the social and spiritual construction of water in Aboriginal societies. In The social archaeology of Australian Indigenous societies, eds B David, B Barker, IJ McNiven, AIATSIS—Aboriginal Studies Press.
Melbourne Water 2017, Melbourne Water System Strategy, viewed 4 September 2020,
Miller D 2012, Fish River Water Supply Scheme: Review of water sharing arrangements, NSW Office of Water, Sydney, viewed 4 September 2020,
Morton FI 1983, Operational estimates of areal evapotranspiration and their significance to the science and practice of hydrology, Journal of Hydrology, 66: 1–76.
Murray–Darling Basin Authority 2016a, Annual Report 2014–15, Australian Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Murray–Darling Basin Authority 2016c, Basin Plan, Australian Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Murray–Darling Basin Commission 1998, Murray–Darling Basin groundwater: a resource for the future, viewed 4 September 2020,
National Water Commission 2011, Australian water markets report 2010–11, NWC, Canberra, viewed 4 September 2020,
New South Wales Government and Queensland Government 2008, New South Wales–Queensland Border Rivers intergovernmental agreement 2008, viewed 4 September 2020,
Northern Land Council and Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority 2004, An introduction to the Aboriginal people of the Daly River region: their history, land and sites, report submitted to the Daly River Expert Reference Group, Northern Land Council and Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, Darwin.
Office for Water Security 2010, Water for good: a plan to ensure our water future to 2050, Government of South Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Queensland Government Department of Environment and Resource Management 2009, South East Queensland natural resource management plan 2009–2031: regional targets to support the sustainability framework of the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009–2031, viewed 4 September 2020,
Sinclair Knight Merz 2007, Murray Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project: projections of effect of future farm dam development to the year 2030 on runoff, prepared for CSIRO, viewed 4 September 2020,
Srikanthan S, Barua S, Hafeez M 2015, Estimating volume of water harvested by farm dams in Murray–Darling Basin, MODSIM 2015 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Gold Coast, Australia, 29 November–4 December 2015, p2290-96, viewed 4 September 2020,
United States Geological Survey 2013, MODFLOW and related programs, viewed 4 September 2020,
URS Australia Pty Ltd 2009, Peel-Harvey Coastal Groundwater Model WA—Model Construction and Calibration, prepared for CSIRO.
Viney N, Vaze J, Crosbie R, Wang B, Dawes W, Frost A 2015, AWRA-L v5.0: technical description of model algorithms and inputs, CSIRO, Canberra.
Water Accounting Standards Board 2012, Australian Water Accounting Standard 1: preparation and presentation of general purpose water accounting reports, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water and Rivers Commission 2000, Environmental water provisions policy for Western Australia, statewide policy no. 5, viewed 4 September 2020,
Xu C, Canci M, Martin M, Donnelly M, Stokes R 2008, Perth regional aquifer modelling system (PRAMS) model development: Application of the vertical flux model, Department of Water, Western Australia, Hydrogeological record series HG 27, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NT)

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Northern Territory) 2019, Oolloo Dolostone Aquifer Water Allocation Plan 2019–2029, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Northern Territory) 2019, Katherine Tindall Limestone Aquifer Water Allocation Plan 2019–2024, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport (Northern Territory) 2010, Sustainable Yields project: an investigation into the effects of climate change and groundwater development scenarios on the water resources of the Daly River catchment using an integrated groundwater/surface water model, prepared by A Knapton, P Jolly, G Harrington, and C Pethram, report no. 29/2011D, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines (Qld)

Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2019, Central Brisbane River Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence: Water Act 2000, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2019, Pine Valleys Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence: Water Act 2000, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2019, Stanley River Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence: Water Act 2000, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2018, Cressbrook Creek Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence: Water Act 2000, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2018, Lower Lockyer Valley Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence: Water Act 2000, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy 2018, Moreton: Water Management Protocol, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2018, Warrill Valley Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence: Water Act 2000, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2017, Bowen Broken Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence: Water Act 2000, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2017, Burdekin Basin: Lower Burdekin Distribution Operations Licence Operations Manual May 2017, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2017, Burdekin Basin: Water Management Protocol May 2017, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2017, Burdekin Haughton Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence: Water Act 2000, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2017, Lower Burdekin Distribution Operations Licence: Water Act 2000, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2016, Gold Coast: Water Management Protocol December 2016, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2016, Nerang Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence: Water Act 2000, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Natural Resources and Mines 2015, Fitzroy Basin Resource Operations Plan, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water and Environmental Resources (WA)

Department of Water (Western Australia) 2017, Environmental management of groundwater from the Gnangara Mound, Annual compliance report to the Office of the Environmental Protection Authority, July 2016–June 2017, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2016, Measuring the taking of water, Government of Western Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2015, Gingin groundwater allocation plan, Water Resource Allocation Planning series, Report no. 53, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2015, Peel coastal groundwater allocation plan, Water resource allocation and planning report series, Report no 66, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2015, Lower collie surface water allocation plan, Water Resource Allocation Planning series, Report no. 47, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2013, Ord surface water allocation plan, report no. 48, Department of Water, viewed 26 August 2019,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2012, Middle Canning River Surface Water Allocation Plan (below Canning Dam to Kent Street Weir), Water Resource Allocation Planning series, report no. 37, Government of Western Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2011, Gingin Surface Water Allocation Plan, Water Resource Allocation Planning series, report no. 29, Government of Western Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2011, Murray Groundwater Allocation Plan, Water Resource Allocation Planning series, report no. 22, Government of Western Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2009, Gnangara Groundwater Areas Allocation Plan, Water Resource Allocation Planning series, report no. 30, Government of Western Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2009, South West groundwater areas allocation plan, Water Resource Allocation Planning series, report no. 21, Government of Western Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2008, Rockingham-Stakehill groundwater management plan, Water Resource Allocation Planning series, Report no. 23, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2007, Cockburn Groundwater Area Water Management Plan, Water Resource Allocation Planning series, report no. WRAP 18, Government of Western Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Department of Water (Western Australia) 2007, Kemerton Groundwater Subareas Water Management Plan, Water Resource Allocation Planning series, Report no. 17, viewed 4 September 2020,
Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (ACT)

Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (ACT) 2014, ACT Water Strategy 2014-44: Striking the Balance, Canberra, viewed 4 September 2020,
Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (ACT) 2012, Review of Think Water, Act Water: The ACT's Long Term Water Strategy, Canberra, viewed 4 September 2020,
Natural Resources Management Board (SA)

Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board 2013, Water Allocation Plan: Western Mount Lofty Ranges, Government of South Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management 2009, Water Allocation Plan: Barossa Prescribed Water Resources Area, Government of South Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management 2007, Water Allocation Plan: McLaren Vale Prescribed Wells Area, Government of South Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
South Australian Murray–Darling Basin Natural Resources Management 2020, Water Allocation Plan for the River Murray Prescribed Watercourse, Government of South Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
New South Wales Office of Water

New South Wales Office of Water 2012, Water Sharing Plan for the Murrumbidgee Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2012, viewed 4 September 2020,
New South Wales Office of Water 2012, Water Sharing Plan for the New South Wales Murray–Darling Basin Porous Rock Groundwater Sources 2012, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Acts

Country Fire Authority Act 1958, Victorian Current Acts, viewed 4 September 2020,
Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987, New South Wales Consolidated Acts, viewed 4 September 2020,
Environmental Protection Act 1986, Western Australian Current Acts, viewed 4 September 2020,
Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Landscape South Australia Act 2019, South Australian Legislation, Government of South Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Planning Act 2016, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914, Western Australian Legislation, Government of Western Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Sydney Water Catchment Management Act 1998 No 171, NSW Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Sydney Water Act 1994 No 88, NSW Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Act 2007, Australian Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Act 2000, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Act 1992, Northern Territory Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Act 1989, Victorian Current Acts, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Act 1912 No 44, NSW Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Industry Act 2012, South Australian Legislation, Government of South Australia, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Industry Act 1994, Victorian Current Acts, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Management Act 2000, NSW Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Plan (Burdekin Basin) 2007, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Plan (Fitzroy Basin) 2011, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Plan (Gold Coast) 2006, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Plan (Great Artesian Basin and Other Regional Aquifers) 2017, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Plan (Logan Basin) 2007, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Plan (Mary Basin) 2006, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Plan (Moreton) 2007, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Regulations 2016, Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Queensland Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Resources Act 2007, ACT Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Groundwater Sources 2011, NSW Government, viewed 4 September 2020,
Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Water Sources 2011, NSW Government, viewed 4 September 2020,