Under the Water Regulations 2008, the
Western Local Land Services (
NSW ) is required to provide the following categories of information to the Bureau of Meteorology.
Accumulated precipitation depth, including the water-equivalent precipitation depth, expressed in millimetres
Wind speed (expressed in metres per second), wind direction, and wind run (expressed in kilometres over a specified period)
Evaporation, expressed in millimetres per day
Global solar exposure, reflected global solar exposure, downward longwave exposure, upward longwave exposure, and net exposure, each expressed in joules per square metre
Global solar irradiance, reflected global solar irradiance, downward longwave irradiance, upward longwave irradiance, and net irradiance, each expressed in watts per square metre
Dry-bulb air temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius
Wet-bulb air temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius
Relative humidity, expressed as a percentage
Vapour pressure deficit, expressed in millibars
Dewpoint temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius
The Regulations Online tool is provided to assist users to understand the Water Regulations 2008 as they relate to the giving of water information. The material is presented in plain English for information only and does not cover all aspects of the Regulations in full. In order to fully understand any requirements that the Regulations may place on them, persons need to read the actual Regulations. The Regulations Online tool may at times not reflect the most recent list of named persons in the Regulations. Check the definitive list of persons named in the Water Regulations.