Responsibilities for: Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water ( QLD )

Licence status:

Creative Commons Licence


Under the Regulations, the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water ( QLD ) is required to provide the following categories of information

Metadata and contextual information

Metadata and contextual information must be provided at the same time as water information in the table below.
Download Metadata and Contextual Information Requirements document

Surface water resource information
Water Information SubcategoryNew/Ongoing Information
1aLevel of a watercourse (other than a water storage), expressed in metresDailyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
1bDischarge of a watercourse (other than a water storage), expressed in cumecsDailyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
Groundwater resource information
Water Information SubcategoryNew/Ongoing Information
2aGround water level, expressed in metresMonthlyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
2bGround water pressure, expressed in kilopascalsMonthlyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
2dState aquifer framework informationAnnuallySpreadsheetYes
2eState NGIS informationAnnuallyESRI Geodatabase in the NGIS schema, version 2.3, 2.2, 2.1 or 2.0, or CSV files containing the component informationYes
Water storage information
Water Information SubcategoryNew/Ongoing Information
3aLevel of water in a major storage, expressed in metresDailyAny formatYes
3bVolume of water in a major storage, expressed in megalitresDailyAny formatYes
3cVolume of water released from a major storage, expressed in megalitresDailyAny formatYes
3dTotal volume of water delivered to a major storage, expressed in megalitresDailyAny formatNo
3daVolume of water delivered to a major storage from each water source, expressed in megalitresDailyAny formatTBC
3eVolume of water in a minor storage, expressed in megalitresDailyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
3fA list of major storages owned, operated or regulated by the person required to give the informationAnnuallyAny formatYes
Meteorological information
Water Information SubcategoryNew/Ongoing Information
4aAccumulated precipitation depth, including the water-equivalent precipitation depth, expressed in millimetresDailyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
4bWind speed (expressed in metres per second), wind direction, and wind run (expressed in kilometres over a specified period)DailyWDTF v1.0.2No
4cEvaporation, expressed in millimetres per dayDailyWDTF v1.0.2No
4dGlobal solar exposure, reflected global solar exposure, downward longwave exposure, upward longwave exposure, and net exposure, each expressed in joules per square metreDailyWDTF v1.0.2No
4eGlobal solar irradiance, reflected global solar irradiance, downward longwave irradiance, upward longwave irradiance, and net irradiance, each expressed in watts per square metreDailyWDTF v1.0.2No
4fDry-bulb air temperature, expressed in degrees CelsiusDailyWDTF v1.0.2No
4gWet-bulb air temperature, expressed in degrees CelsiusDailyWDTF v1.0.2No
4hRelative humidity, expressed as a percentageDailyWDTF v1.0.2No
4iVapour pressure deficit, expressed in millibarsDailyWDTF v1.0.2No
4jDewpoint temperature, expressed in degrees CelsiusDailyWDTF v1.0.2TBC
Water use information
Water Information SubcategoryNew/Ongoing Information
5aTotal volume of surface water take in each water management area, expressed in megalitres AnnuallyAny formatYes
5bVolume of surface water take for irrigation networks in each water management area, expressed in megalitres AnnuallyAny formatYes
5cVolume of surface water returned from irrigation networks to a watercourse in each water management area, expressed in megalitres AnnuallyAny formatTBC
5dVolume of surface water take (excluding take for irrigation networks) in each water management area, expressed in megalitresAnnuallyAny formatTBC
5eVolume of water delivered to a surface water resource through inter-basin transfer (excluding transfers relating to water trades) in each water management area, expressed in megalitres AnnuallyAny formatTBC
5fVolume of ground water extracted under each ground water licence, expressed in megalitres AnnuallyAny formatYes
5gVolume of ground water extracted in each water management area, otherwise than under a ground water licence, expressed in megalitres AnnuallyAny formatYes
5hVolume of water delivered to a ground water resource for aquifer replenishment in each water management area, expressed in megalitres AnnuallyAny formatTBC
Information about water rights, allocations and trades
Water Information SubcategoryNew/Ongoing Information
6aWater access rightsAnnuallyCSVYes
6bTrades or leases of Australian water access entitlements and irrigation rightsWeeklyCSVYes
6cTrades of Australian water allocationsWeeklyCSVYes
6dFormal announcements of Australian water allocationsAt the same time that an announcement is madeCSVYes
6ePermits to operate or construct a minor storageAnnuallyCSVYes
6fPermits to self extract water from a boreAnnuallyCSVYes
6gPermits to self extract water from a watercourseAnnuallyCSVYes
Information about water restrictions
Water Information SubcategoryNew/Ongoing Information
8aWater use restriction announcementsAt the same time that an announcement is madeText entries via Water Restrictions portalNo
Water quality information
Water Information SubcategoryNew/Ongoing Information
9aElectrical conductivity of surface water above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in microsiemens per centimetre at 25°CDailyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
9bElectrical conductivity of ground water, expressed in microsiemens per centimetre at 25°CAnnuallyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
9cTotal suspended solids concentration of surface water collected above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in milligrams per litreAnnuallyWDTF v1.0.2No
9dTurbidity of surface water above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in nephelometric turbidity unitsAnnuallyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
9eTotal phosphorus concentration of a surface water sample collected above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in milligrams per litreAnnuallyWDTF v1.0.2No
9fTotal nitrogen concentration of a surface water sample collected above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in milligrams per litreAnnuallyWDTF v1.0.2No
9gpH of surface water collected above the tidal limit of a watercourseAnnuallyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
9gapH of ground waterAnnuallyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
9hTemperature of surface water collected above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in degrees CelsiusAnnuallyWDTF v1.0.2Yes
Water information for flood warning purposes
Water Information SubcategoryNew/Ongoing Information
11aLevel of a watercourse, expressed in metresHourlyAny formatYes
11bDischarge of a watercourse, expressed in cumecsHourlyAny formatYes
11cAccumulated precipitation depth, including the water-equivalent precipitation depth, expressed in millimetresHourlyAny formatYes


The Regulations Online tool is provided to assist users to understand the Water Regulations 2008 as they relate to the giving of water information. The material is presented in plain English for information only and does not cover all aspects of the Regulations in full. In order to fully understand any requirements that the Regulations may place on them, persons need to read the actual Regulations. The Regulations Online tool may at times not reflect the most recent list of named persons in the Regulations. Check the definitive list of persons named in the Water Regulations.

Explanation of column headings in the detailed reports

New/ongoing information
Specified information that is entered on a person's database after the end of the Grace Period must be given to the Bureau.

How often
The Regulations specify a time frame (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) within which each subcategory of water information must be given to the Bureau.

The required format of the water information is specified in an Administrative Instrument. The Administrative Instrument lists approved forms in the Bureau's order of preference. You may give your water information in any of the applicable formats listed. However, where more than one format is included, we prefer the format listed first.
If this column shows ‘Any format’, as a minimum, water information must be given to the Bureau in an electronic format.

Will supply data
A 'Yes' or 'No' in this column of the detailed report indicates whether or not an organisation has the relevant subcategory of water information in its possession, custody or control. 'TBC' in this column indicates 'to be confirmed'.

Additional Information

Possession, custody or control
For practical reasons, possession, custody or control is interpreted by the Bureau as being from the time water information enters a person's database (not from the time it enters field based equipment such as data loggers). For more information see the FAQ pages

Contractual agreements
Information collected solely as part of a contractual agreement with a person not named in the Regulations, does not have to be given.

Historical information
Historical water information must be given to the Bureau within fourteen days after the end of the grace period. This includes all the information held in databases during a person's grace period. There is no requirement on Category H persons to give historical water information. There is no requirement for persons to give historical information for Category 5 or 7.

Updated or changed information
For whatever reason, if specified information in a person's database has been updated since it was last given to the Bureau, this information should be given again.

Categories of persons
Each organisation named in the Regulations is listed in at least one category of person. In many cases, organisations are listed in more than one category and must meet the requirements of each of those categories. Where an organisation is required under two or more categories to give a particular item of information in different timeframes, then by giving the particular information at the higher transfer frequency, the person is not required to also give the information under the lower transfer frequency.

The exception to this rule is with water information for flood forecasting purposes as required from Category H organisations. Organisations in this category may be required to give water information subcategories 11a, 11b or 11c under both category H (hourly) and another category (daily). In this case, the flood forecasting and warning information may be only a limited subset of the information in subcategories 1a, 1b or 4a that the person is required to give. The balance of this information must be given at the daily frequency.


General regulations enquiries can be e-mailed to or alternatively persons may direct enquiries to the Bureau's contact officer:

Regulations and Policy Unit
Bureau of Meteorology
Tel: (08) 8366 2668
Post: GPO Box 2334 Canberra ACT 2601


Delivering the Information

You can deliver your water information to the Bureau by the following means:

  • File transfer protocol (ftp) or web services. File transfer protocol is the preferred method for all water information delivery. It is the required method for the delivery of new information except for:
    • information about water allocation announcements (subcategory 6d) and water use information (Category 5) may be emailed to or sent via ftp
    • information about urban water management (Category 7) must be given by way of the internet using a database application
    • water restrictions information (subcategory 8a) must be given to the Bureau using the Water Restrictions Tool located at:
  • CD, DVD or external hard drive may be used to transfer historical information.


Timeframes within which water information must be given
Term Definition
HourlyWater information entered into the person's database during a particular hour must be given to the Bureau within 5 minutes of the end of that hour.
DailyWater information entered into the person's database on a particular day must be given to the Bureau by midday on the next day.
WeeklyWater information entered into the person's database during a particular week must be given to the Bureau by midday on the first working day of the following week.
MonthlyWater information entered into the person's database during a particular month must be given to the Bureau by midday on the second day of the following month.
AnnuallyWater information entered into the person's database during a particular financial year must be given to the Bureau by midday on 20 July of the following financial year, except:
- Category 5 and 7 data, which must be given by the end of 31 October
- subcategories 2d and 2e data, which must be given by the end of 30 September
- annual water information for categories other than Category 7 from Category F and Category L persons, which must be given by the end of 31 August.


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