Water Restrictions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are water restrictions?

Water restrictions are any constraints placed on water use by a water agency, local council or State or Territory Government. They have become common practice throughout much of Australia to manage demands during periods of water scarcity. Water restriction names and rules vary throughout Australia due to local requirements.

Who decides on water restrictions for my area?

Water restrictions are decided upon by water agencies, local council or State or Territory Government. The responsibility for setting water restrictions differs throughout Australia but is generally defined in State legislation. The agency or agencies responsible for determining the current level or stage of water restrictions may be different to the agency or agencies that are responsible for their enforcement.

Some States, such as South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia, have uniform statewide water restrictions set by a State water agency. However, the trigger levels of the restriction for areas within the States may differ due to local water supply characteristics. In regional New South Wales and Queensland water restrictions are largely set and enforced by local councils.

How do I find the current water restriction for my location?

To find water restriction information for your area search for the water agency that provides your water supply. This may be your local council, retail water utility or water authority. If you live in Western Australia search for the Department of Water.

Where does the Water Restrictions information come from and how often is it updated?

Under the Water Regulations 2008 water agencies are required to update water restrictions information at the time of announcement. These updates are provided to the Bureau through an online portal and are reflected on the Water Restrictions website.

Am I able to use the information published for my own purposes?

Most Water Restrictions information is provided under a Creative Commons licence. See Copyright for further information on appropriate attribution.