Water Restrictions

The Bureau of Meteorology’s Water Restrictions website provides access to current water restrictions information for the whole of Australia. Water restrictions information can be searched by State or Territory, water agency and restriction name. Water restriction names and rules vary throughout Australia due to local requirements.

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Werris Creek Water Supply

Agency name:
Liverpool Plains Shire Council
Area web address:
Area description:

Consumers utilising the water supply system based in the town of Werris Ck, including the non-potable consumers along the Rising Main between the Quipolly Dam and Werris Ck WTP.

Current Restriction

Restriction name:
Restriction type:
Start date:
End date:
Restriction web address:
Description summary:

Sprinklers, sprays, microjet sprays and fixed hoses cannot be used.

Hand-held hoses and sub-surface dripper systems can be used for two hours only per day from 5pm to 7pm or 6pm to 8pm Daylight Saving Time.

Vehicles can only be washed with a hand-held hose, with a trigger nozzle attached, between 5pm and 7pm or 6pm to 8pm Daylight Saving Time, but a bucket can be used any time.

No wash down of hard surfaces unless using a high-pressure cleaner for two hours only per day.

Pools can be topped up for two hours only per day, but Council permission is required if filling a pool of capacity above 2 kilolitres.

Recycled, greywater and rainwater can be used only from tanks not connected to the treated supply – rainwater tanks must be stand-alone and not able to be switched to the treated supply.