Water Restrictions

The Bureau of Meteorology’s Water Restrictions website provides access to current water restrictions information for the whole of Australia. Water restrictions information can be searched by State or Territory, water agency and restriction name. Water restriction names and rules vary throughout Australia due to local requirements.

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Rous Water

Agency name:
Rous County Council
Area web address:
Area description:

Rous Water is the regional water supply authority providing potable water in bulk to the Council areas of Lismore (excluding Nimbin), Ballina (excluding Wardell), Byron (excluding Mullumbimby) and Richmond Valley (excluding land to the west of Coraki). The regional supply network includes over 33,000 connections within the reticulation areas of these constituent Councils, and around 1,900 retail connections to the Rous Water trunk main system.

Current Restriction

Restriction name:
Restriction type:
Start date:
End date:
Restriction web address:
Description summary: